Note: Governor Chris Christie praised Islamic Center of Passaic County's Imam Mohammed Qatanani back in 2008. Below is a list of quotes made by Imam Qatanani before and after Christie's praise for the radical Imam. See below quotes of Qatanani regarding HLF, Palestine, jihad and Hamas.
Protest to defend Al-Aqsa Mosque and Al-Quds (Jerusalem)
Times Square (42nd St. and 7th Ave.)
New York, NY
March 27, 2010
"Aqsa Mosque will stay for Palestinian people because they are the owner of the land. You can't say it is a holy land just to steal it. You can't say that. If it is holy you have to respect it to protect it, not to steal it. Palestine is for Palestinian people, not for Ukrainian people, not for New Yorkian (sic) people. It is for Palestinian people. (UI few words) was born here in New York looking for hope. Palestine is for Palestinian people for 5,000 years. Palestine, Al-Aqsa has been annexed, has been annexed land (UI few words) it says, according to the holy books.
"Palestine will be free one day. And we will see it very soon by your actions, by your standing for justice, justice, freedom, the liberation of the land will be very soon. Why? Because this is the will of good people, this is the will of God, and this is the history. We learned it from the history that Palestine will be free."
Rally against Israeli Attacks on Gaza Flotilla
June 4, 2010
New York, NY
March from Times Square to Turkish Consulate and then to Israel Consulate
"My dear brothers and sisters, I think the whole world now knows the truth. They saw the truth. Did you see the truth? Did you see the truth? Yes, we see the truth. Why? We saw the murdering, the killing, the aggression, the oppression from the Israel commando coming to a humanitarian ship, humanitarian people, they are unviolent people. They are peacemakers."
We remember today Rachel Corrie, the American conscious [sic], the American girl who went to Palestine to stand beside the Palestinian people. We love you Rachel Corrie. You are America. You are America. You are America, Rachel Corrie. We love. The American people, like Rachel Corrie, are with Palestinian people, because they are with justice. We don't believe in the political (UI word) or political sayings. Did you hear Mr. Biden? What did he say? He said it's a self defense act, defense for Israel. Do you believe him? Do you believe that? It is not self defense to go into the international sea and to kill humanitarian people, people who are going for relief, for humanitarian issue, for peace making, they unfortunately even though they killed them."
"So today we want to say that if America wants to be the leader of the world they have to stand beside Palestinian people. They have to stand beside justice, not beside the aggression and oppression."
Mohammad Qatanani lecture
"Wither Al Aqsa and the Temple!!"
March 19, 2010
Translated by Investigative Project on Terrorism
Downloaded from ICPC website
"First, brothers and sisters, we must understand that this land called Palestine has been an Arab land from 4,000 years ago before the presence of Abraham (upon him peace) It was an Arab land before Abraham (upon him peace) The first who inhabited it were the Arab Jebusites. We have a historical and geographic right. We must teach this to the young and our children."
"An Israeli named Nathan wrote a book of 400 pages in which he denied after studies, researches and excavations, he arrived at the result, that there was nothing named the Temple in that place. There is nothing to prove the presence of that Temple under or above al Aqsa."
"They are all immigrants, coming from where? Not even from the Bani Israil [Israelites] Not from the Bani Israil. Immigrants from Ukraine, Poland or New York."
Mohammad Qatanani lecture
"The American Justice System"
May 29, 2009
Translated by Investigative Project on Terrorism
Downloaded from ICPC website
"I ask God Almighty in this hour to release the relative of our brother Abu Ibrahim, and his brother of the Holy Land Foundation who were sentenced two days ago with a sentence I believe was unjust, and was not impartial and correct. A sentence on Shukri Abu Baker, 55 years. A sentence on Abu Ibrahim Abdelrahman Odeh of 15 years. I ask God Almighty at this blessed time to release them."
"This judgment, we know, was a political judgment, not a juridical judgment. The purpose of it is a message they want to send though what is written in the Herald News, the New York Times with the same news, that is a political message. We say that this judgment and its like are not in the interests of America nor in the interests of repairing its relations with the Islamic world, on one hand and with the Islamic community in this country on the other. This judgment [hukm] has no justice in it, nor wisdom [hikma]"
"What is happening now is also happening with CAIR. Another phenomenon of the phenomenon of impartiality. They are trying to go after CAIR. CAIR has been known for 20 years for defending human rights. It is against racial discrimination. It is attempting to build bridges of communication among men, Muslim and non Muslim. It has a great role in building harmony in this society between Muslims and non Muslims. Despite this, it is not safe. Even ISNA, which is also well known organization, with its moderation and balance, is also now on the list."
Mohammad Qatanani lecture
"On the Anniversary of the Nakba"
May 15, 2009
Translated by Investigative Project on Terrorism
Downloaded from ICPC website
"Oh brothers and sisters. On such a day, a human disaster occurred; on 5 and ten, the 15th of May 1948 was the greatest disaster which occurred on the face of the earth. It is what is known today as the Palestinian Nakba. This Nakba, because of this Nakba, the State of Israel was established on the Land of Palestine. What happened after this was events in which mankind lives with until today, On news agencies such as al Jazeera and others , you will find perhaps in all news publications reports on this issue. This Nakba by which were chased away more than a million Palestinians, who now number five to six million refugees, spread throughout the world. Some of them are in Europe, in America, in Jordan, in Egypt, in Syria, in Saudi Arabia. About five million persons. Distributed over this Earth. A million of them still live in camps. Gaza camps. Bank camps. Lebanon camps. Syria camps. Jordan camps. To this very moment they still have hopes and desires to return to their homelands.
"In this Nakba occurred tragedies and massacres. At the head of it is what is called Deir Yassin. Such butchery, and it was not the only butchery induced the people of Palestine to emigrate and to leave their lands and houses, carrying their keys in the hope of returning in one or two weeks, or seventy days or seventy years. And seventy years have almost passed."
"The world today is not the world which was years ago. The cause of this is the events in South Lebanon and Gaza. In South Lebanon Israel was unable to achieve its goals, and a failure occurred before Gaza. Gaza resisted, and the tyrannical military machine to achieve its purpose in Gaza."
Mohammad Qatanani lecture
"The Fear from the Islam"
February 8, 2008
Downloaded from ICPC website
English translator speaks:
"And many campaigns have been initiated to scare people off about Islam. And many, many think that this campaign is targeting specific group of the Muslims or more specifically what is called extremists. However, if you are to look in the writings of many of the authors and their articles of what they are propagating and what is being published and to many years back, it talks about Islam as a religion."
"The book that is calling the conflict of civilization more specifically after the fall of the Soviet Union that the Red Peril has been removed. Now it is the Green peril or the Islamic danger. Many reasons have called to this fear. Maybe the events of September 11th may have been the cause. But this is not really true. This was a symptom of the element of fear. And despite the fact who done it and who did not, how this event was used to indicate that the danger is in Islam – be very careful from this religion."
"How do you view the world to be in 2020? The majority of people that was declared in the speeches of the politicians, we expect the world to be Muslim empire from Morocco to China. This expectations will lead them to set up policies and most of them are driven by fear to create this fear – be worried about this religion, and some of the authors. This reason for the spread of Islam is because the West has been bankrupt spiritually and has become looking for about something to fill his spirit and mind."
"And we must deep root the existence of the Muslims in this country and to be concerned with our sons and daughters and our families."
"And our role is to make this Quran known."
Mohammad Qatanani lecture
"Warring Against Self Desire"
February 1, 2008
Downloaded from ICPC website
English translator speaks over Qatanani:
"Some of the brothers come to me, some people in West that say that homosexuality is a genetic thing. And somebody comes teaching at the university arguing that homosexuality, that is a natural state of affairs that you should not oppose. You are mesmerized by such a discourse, that there are, the Lord that is to be followed and worshiped and there are the absolute example. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala if He makes homosexuality unacceptable, it is unacceptable and he (UI word) the people of Lot. How could I possibly justify such a thing that they have misled themselves? Some people justify that Palestine is occupied. They are justifying such an occupation? We have to accept the others? We cannot follow the others. The truth is the truth and falsehood is such. And there is nothing after the truth except falsehood. (UI word) have to liberate ourselves. Have you seen the one who has taken his Lord as his desires? Or to take the desires of other than Him, and that's the worst thing."
"Oh Allah assist our brothers and sisters in Philistine and grant them victory and glory that is, oh Allah rectify the affairs of the Muslims all over."
Mohammad Qatanani lecture
"How to Achieve the Reward of Migration"
January 11, 2008
Downloaded from ICPC website
English translator speaks over Qatanani:
"You see now you should do jihad or struggle, to change evil doing. You know if you can at least with your heart. You know I mention in so many times that jihad is greater than fighting. It is not only fighting. And you cannot just contain it in fighting. That is wrong, because Allah has said in the (UI word) in Mecca, that do jihad with them. You see in Mecca do jihad with them, that struggle with them with the Quran, struggling. You see we struggle with the Quran. It is the highest thing to do – the struggle."
Mohammad Qatanani lecture
"The Struggle with the Devil"
December 21, 2007
Downloaded from ICPC website
English translator speaks over Qatanani:
"What is the state of the children of Adam today? Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says in the children of the, Satan has been true in his promise. Most of humanity is following with their enemies. The Satans have controlled them."
Mohammad Qatanani lecture
"Ethics Difference"
November 2, 2007
Downloaded from ICPC website
English translator speaks over Qatanani:
"You see a person who is righteous however I will do a test – sit with anyone about anyone, they will say, 'but,' – What do you think about this Sheikh Qaradawi? 'But,' 'He's good, but.' What do you think about [SOUNDS LIKE Hamid Ghazahi]? 'He's good, but.' What do you think about (UI name)? 'He's good, but.' As he is negating what he has said prior to that. And we are notorious for saying the word 'but.' And we misuse it unfortunately. We are in need to talk about the good things of the people and to look away from the shortcomings of the people as much as we possibly can."
Mohammad Qatanani lecture
"A Message to Muslim Students"
August 31, 2007
Downloaded from ICPC website
English translator speaks over Qatanani:
"I feel sorry for the child who cannot taste the delight for the Quran and the Arabic language."
"Islam wants you to learn. To know chemistry, and physics, and math, you should learn all of these sciences and be the best. Whom created these sciences, they are your scholar Muslims. Like Jaber Nahiyan and Ibn Seena. And (UI word-Arabic name) All these sciences that you see others took and they did the best, they are of your forefathers."
"If you acquire a way to acknowledge, to acquire knowledge, Allah would ease up a way for you to go to paradise."
"The angels actually would put their wings to help you, meaning when you go there are actually angels would open the way for you, to help you, protect you because you are going to acquire knowledge."
"You should always implant this in your child. That you are a Muslim. You are the best."
Mohammad Qatanani lecture
"Islam Religion of Forgiveness"
August 24, 2007
Downloaded from ICPC website
English translator speaks over Qatanani:
"Even Christianity and Judaism is in need of Islam today. As Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says, this Quran gives the stories of a great deal of what they are arguing about. What they are disagreeing about has been clarified in the Quran. However, the violence that is taking place in the world it is not based on religion, but there are other issues that must be investigated, as injustice that is infiltrating humanity. The lack of understanding of the religion that God has sent according to his prophets and messenger, or through them, the injustice of the leaders and the transgression against the people will lead into injustice and violence. The deprivation of the people of mind to address their people with addressing the rights and moderate views, the doors are sealed before the scholars that are moderate and they will be deprived from, especially in some countries more than others. What creates violence is ignorance, is poverty. When the resources of the people are taken away and people are without food or drink or shelter or clothing and the poor sees that his resources are being spent, not finding any food for his children and the wealth is extravagantly spent here and there, this creates violence. It is when the politicians ignore how to deal with the religion. Islam, brothers and sisters, taught us how to deal with the religion."
Mohammad Qatanani lecture
"In the Shadow of Al-Isra Wa Al Miraj"
August 3, 2007
Downloaded from ICPC website
English translator speaks over Qatanani:
"And then they talk after that about the children of Israel to tell us, oh, ummah of Muslims – Al Aqsa and Palestine and the land of Great Syria – it is a blessed land – Greater Syria. No one should give it up. If you true belief in Surah Al Aqsa you should truly believe as a true Muslim that the Quran is from Allah. You should believe as equal that this land is from Allah and it is a holy land, and that this land is the land of Allah. And (UI word) written in the books that this land will be inherited of the pious ones. You see Al Aqsa, Jerusalem and the land of Greater Syria is so many authentic hadiths in which indicate how special that land is, especially at the end of time."
"Don't let them fool you that this land for a (UI word) people. Some guy he said that Allah told Moses to go into the Holy Land. This is stupidity. Allah then he told them that if you reject you are deprived till the hereafter. That's why some of the Orthodox Jews they know that they are not actually allowed to enter, you know until the awaited messiah. That is they are waiting, but they say they are gonna see the false messiah. I'm telling the youth, brothers and sisters, these facts should be clear. When you talk about Jerusalem and Al Aqsa and Greater Syria you should truly believe all those who doubt that anybody has right in it. Because they try to falsify history and geography. They are falsifying documents and they are changing things around."
"The other enemy of this ummah is these trials to separate between our creed and our land – that this issue is issue of Palestinians. No. This is not a Palestinian issue. It is not issue of one group of people that lives in that land. This issue is an Islamic issue. Allah says you know if you really (UI few words). Some people will say they're Islamic, but they don't do their role. You have to do your role, the people who actually are taking care of it and protecting it."
"You see then the blessed prophet brothers and sisters chooses that the land of Greater Syria, and that includes Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan and Syria – it is the Greater of Syria, these Assyria and Jordan was done by the occupation. You see that if you truly believe in these borders that means you believe in what the occupationer did. You see Syria, Palestine it's all the Greater Syria, Bilad al-Sham, it is the Greater Syria. You know some people might not like this, but this is the truth – it's all the Muslim land, this is Greater Syria, and Allah had called it in five places in the Quran as a blessed place. And it was narrated in a hadith that they are the most beloved lands to Allah. You see listen to the blessed prophet, says that he gives the companions good tidings that the greater Syria will be actually conquered. You see if you conquer the Holy Land or Al Aqsa Masjid that you are in struggle till the hereafter."
Mohammad Qatanani lecture
"The role of reading in the revival of Ummah"
July 27, 2007
Downloaded from ICPC website
English translator speaks over Qatanani:
"Oh Allah assist our brothers and sisters in Philistine, and Iraq and Chechnya. O Allah remove occupation and oppression and oh Allah improve the matters of our community, subhanahu wa ta'ala to assist our brothers and sisters in the Holy Land Foundation, ask oh Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to assist them and to remove the difficulty that they have been inflicted with all of the brothers and sisters in this country, oh Allah to prove them non-guilty."
Mohammad Qatanani lecture
"Islam is Respect"
July 2, 2007
Downloaded from ICPC website
English translator speaks over Qatanani:
"And people today in dire need of this, the people are not in need of anything except to this matter and amongst maybe the best of things that they are in need of, more specifically as we live in this country, so this community will be special and peculiar, and its characteristics will be shining and rising on the top, so this is a nation that will be worthy to belong to the prophet sallallalu alaihi wa sallam."
Mohammad Qatanani lecture
"Keep the Faith"
June 22, 2007
Downloaded from ICPC website
English translator speaks over Qatanani:
"If you think that you're gonna fulfill the collective or the personal benefits of the human beings, it would not be acceptable outside of the Sharia. Some people will seek to find happiness outside of the Sharia, which is the pinnacle of ignorance and this is the pinnacle of silliness."
"In this blessed day your brothers in the Islamic Education Foundation are here to collect funds to improve the school, and the monetary deficit deprived them of doing such, but they have a goal to improve. I call upon every brother and sisters to give of their zakat of what can assist to improve the building of Al-Hikmah."
Mohammad Qatanani lecture
"In the Shadow of Soorat Alsaffa 1"
June 16, 2007
Downloaded from ICPC website
English translator speaks over Qatanani:
"What is happening now in Palestine and Iraq, you would have thought of it months or years that it's gonna happen at any time. You could prophesize that, because we're able if you study what is happening you see that we are able. What is the cure here? Is just to shield yourself."
"Allah say in the Quran (UI few words) the people of Israel, that if you kill a soul with an injustice as if you kill all humanity. You see you cannot just shed blood unless there is rights and then just states, and that with established law and Sharia, then they could do that. The blessed prophet says (UI few words)."
Mohammad Qatanani lecture
"A Warning Against Hypocrisy"
June 8, 2007
Downloaded from ICPC website
English translator speaks over Qatanani:
"The people who commit such atrocity will be the swiftest in punishment on the day of judgment as Abdullah (UI name) narrated, the worst punishment that will people be taken are three people – the hypocrites and those who have disbelieved, from the followers of Jesus peace and blessing be upon him have disbelieved after the table came down, and the people of Pharaoh will be swiftly punished as well and they'll be amongst the hypocrites. And Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says about the hypocrites, the hypocrites are in the lower pits of hellfire."
"Gov. Christie's Strange Relationship with Radical Islam"
January 19, 2011
"'As general counsel, Mohammed bucked several high-profile terror support prosecutions. After authorities shut down the Holy Land Foundation near Dallas for alleged Hamas support in 2001, Mohammed told the Record of Bergen County, N.J., that the government was unjustly singling out Muslim organizations.' People see this as another example of how heavy-handed the administration has been thus far,' he said."
September 2004:
Herald News article titled, "HAMAS: Charitable cause or terror organization? It depends on whom you ask"
"Mohammad Qatanani, spiritual leader of the Islamic Center of Passaic County, posed a hypothetical question: What if the charity did support the children of suicide bombers? What would be wrong with that, he wondered?
'There is a big issue between supporting them before, not after,' suicide attacks, he said.
"He compared the support of orphans of suicide bombers to supporting the children of terrorists like Timothy McVeigh for instance, or the children of the man who killed former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.
"The children are innocent, even if their parents might not be, he said.
"In the indictment, however, the government makes the case that by supporting dead terrorists' families, Holy Land "effectively rewarded past, and encouraged future, suicide bombings and terrorist activities on behalf of Hamas.'"