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Israel's long term strategy involves radicalizing opposition to Israel.

Submitted by Matt C., Sep 21, 2013 02:00

In the past, Israel supported Hamas against Fatah. Indeed, in the 1970s and 80s, Israel played a not insignificant role in encouraging Hamas's emergence in the belief that such an Islamist group might help rupture support for the mass nationalist movement of Fatah. Israel has a long term strategy of radicalizing it's opposition, which makes it much more politically acceptable to use more violent means to fight them. A secular, or more western appealing opposition is what Israel fears. Israel wants its opposition to look like Bin Laden, and be classified as terrorists by the west. That's why Israel makes no attempt to counter radicalization in its prisons, but instead encourages it. An example is secular Syria is seen as a much larger threat than a radical Islamic government in Syria, which is why Israel supports the radical jihadi fighters in Syria, even when the Assad government has been incredibly predictable for and non-threatening. It shows that Israel's long term strategy is one of destabilization for purposes of expansion.


Terrorists in prison, a global problem

Submitted by Patrick Dunleavy, Aug 2, 2013 11:11

Ms. Berko paints a vivid picture of the dilemma Israeli officials face when dealing with the issue of incarcerated terrorists. Yet they are not alone.

In the United States, Guantanamo is not the only location where terrorists are held. Individuals like El Sayyid Nosair, Rashid Baz, John Walker Lindh, and others are spread about the US Prison system receiving the same benefits as inmates in Israel, free medical treatment and educational opportunities.

In the United Kingdom British Officials are struggling to deal with Islamic terrorists exerting undue influence within their penal system as witnessed by the attack on a prison employee by radical Islamic inmates following the killing of a UK soldier on the London streets.

Until authorities come up with a comprehensive plan of how to effectively deal with terrorists in prison, the dilemna will continue.

Patrick Dunleavy, author of "The Fertile Soil of Jihad, Terrorism's Prison Connection"


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