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Submitted by Noreen Mullin, Aug 24, 2014 10:32

Unfortunately for us American citizens, our current government appears as weak-willed, biased and indecisive as Europe. My respect for the EU, for France, Spain, Netherlands and even England, not to mention Scandanavia has dropped to 0. Is there no one left to call a spade a spade? Political correctness (or is just plain old-fashioned cowardice) rules the day in all forms of media. Just take a look at US coverage of the Michael Brown killing; at UK coverage of just about anything to do with the Muslim community. Never forget: a people get what they deserve when they elect tyrants and weaklings; People get what they deserve when they hide behind "correctness" and/or silence. Silence = assent. Would thought we would have learned that in WWII.


Stupid or Cowards?

Submitted by Ken S, Aug 21, 2014 12:09

It seems like the Europeans would have learned by now that there can be no accommadation of ruthless, blood-thirsty ideologies/movements. Cowardice will only reap enslavement.


Poor journalism

Submitted by José Piët, Aug 19, 2014 10:46

I live in the Netherlands, I am Dutch and I can guarantee you that this is only partly true. Unfortunately, like so much we read these days, the information is incomplete, sets an atmosphere we don't want and leaves out many important issues. It's this kind of journalism that provokes more hate and misinforms people. Sad, unprofessional and dangerous.



Submitted by noel hershfield, Aug 18, 2014 00:59

The response of the Dutch hierarchy as with other Europeans is tragic,and does not bode well.1933 all over again.


Skating Dutchmen

Submitted by Cliff Hanger, Aug 16, 2014 14:45

With people like him we would still be controlled by Spain.


More Reader Comments

Title By Date

Devastated! [126 words]

Noreen Mullin 

Aug 24, 2014 10:32

Stupid or Cowards? [25 words]

Ken S 

Aug 21, 2014 12:09

Poor journalism [59 words]

José Piët 

Aug 19, 2014 10:46

tragic [19 words]

noel hershfield 

Aug 18, 2014 00:59

Skating Dutchmen [11 words]

Cliff Hanger 

Aug 16, 2014 14:45

You seriously expect Justice in Europe? [84 words]


Aug 15, 2014 06:15

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