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Reader comments on this item

Muslim is Good, United states is Bad.

Submitted by Kamrul Hassan, Jan 11, 2015 10:26


Muslim is not a bad, Muslim is Good Religon. I hope that you know it. I think that there are some gap.United staes attack Afganistan, Irak but there is nothing any terrotist work.



Firat amendment rights - for everybody

Submitted by Frank Adam, Apr 8, 2009 14:48

Time to run a "test case" or is it a "class case" in which the issue(s) is whether it is within the first amendment freedom of religion:

* to preach against the legitimacy & form as distinct from the policy of an elected government?

*to conspire, plot and use bombs or other weapons against an elected government that itself obeys the first amendment by not interfereing with freedom of worship?

Good luck as the US was founded by refugees from persecuting governments, inherited English treason laws, and initially - at least till independence must have made some obeisance to the Elizabethan and Charles II "Act for the Uniformity in Religion" and the Toleration Act that followed the 1688 English Glorious Revolution, but this last did not apply to Roman Catholics.



Submitted by quantumfoam, Jan 31, 2009 12:23

Perhaps someone with more knowledge than I, might be able to answer one question. After all the past indictments of CAIR leaders & now this story: Why has CAIR not been designated as a foreign terrorist organization? I would appreciate an answer.



Submitted by quantumfoam, Jan 31, 2009 12:14

I knew that CAIR was not in this country to play nice. They always announce their intentions. They have not joined up with our politically correct crowd that so many naive people have joined. I am positive their are many people in the Islamic Faith that are decent law abiding people. However their are many that espouse being of that faith that are savage murdering bloodthirsty subhumans. I have seen some people of that faith that have spoken out strongly against those people that use Islam as the driving force behind their atrocities. I have also noticed that those outspoken people generally have fatwah's placed on their head. I understand that there are over a billion people of the Islamic faith scattered over the planet. I would hope that at least 10% of that faith would speak against the atrocities comitted in their name. The voices of over 200 million people condemning those murdering thugs would have great impact. It might even give some wek kneed politicians in the United States enough courage to call them terrorists. No probably not!



Submitted by Bob Halpern, Jan 31, 2009 11:22

The F.B.I. is only 10 years behind the curve and this is the group designated to keep us safe? one wonders how this new policy will be reversed under the incoming Obama administration. the annointed one has been in office about an hour now and he's already been on Arab T.V. begging for mercy, had obsequious correspondences with Iran's despotic leadership and announced plans to close down Gitmo. americans wanted change, and now we're getting it. we're changing into Europe.


More Reader Comments

Title By Date

Muslim is Good, United states is Bad. [35 words]

Kamrul Hassan 

Jan 11, 2015 10:26

Firat amendment rights - for everybody [130 words]

Frank Adam 

Apr 8, 2009 14:48

FBI/CAIR [42 words]


Jan 31, 2009 12:23

government [180 words]


Jan 31, 2009 12:14


Bob Halpern 

Jan 31, 2009 11:22

Trusting Muslims [281 words]


Jan 31, 2009 06:45

CAIR [94 words]

Lee Kenaga 

Jan 30, 2009 22:00

Study the mosques [78 words]

Stan Reiss 

Jan 30, 2009 19:00

JEZEBEL and CAIR: In defense of civil liberties: Parading on the American landscape wearing a red dress and a suicide vest to fundraise for HAMAS.. [56 words]

Josephine Amanda Sabby 

Jan 30, 2009 11:20

very good news!! [17 words]


Jan 30, 2009 08:34

Not True. FBI is Still Talking to CAIR [24 words]

Debbie Schlussel 

Jan 30, 2009 02:19

  CAIR [24 words]


Jan 30, 2009 13:31

  A suggestion for Debbie [63 words]

Khalim Massoud 

Feb 2, 2009 11:45

Yes, finally [10 words]


Jan 29, 2009 22:31

FBI - CAIR; Better Late than Never [14 words]

Ed Sloan 

Jan 29, 2009 18:08

At last! [67 words]

Always On Watch 

Jan 29, 2009 17:31

They have much higher standards than us, it seems [45 words]


Jan 29, 2009 13:14

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