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refuting above comment

Submitted by El Sid, Aug 16, 2016 22:11

The previous commenter offers absolutely no evidence to back his or her claims and can clearly be dismissed as an Islamist supporter of political Islam.

He is considered a credible scholar and intellectual in Europe by the way.

Evidence please! Names of the people who think Ramadan is a credible scholar.

Perhaps Anjem Choudhry? Who is currently in Jail for his less subtle versions of 'Brother Tariq's opinions.


I can attest that less than 5% of your facts are accurate.

This is mere assertion, NOT credible are reasoned opinion with supporting evidence.The burden is on you to provide credible support fro your unsupported assertions.


We're all waiting!


Regarding your facts

Mar 1, 2012 12:37

Having read Professor Ramadan's books (He is considered a credible scholar and intellectual in Europe by the way), I can attest that less than 5% of your facts are accurate. It is clear that you have not read a word of Tarek Ramadan's books, nor do you understand his stance, as well as the stances of a vast majority of Muslims. If you wish to hate Muslims, you would be more effective if you at least had your facts straight.

I suggest reading scholarly books and not subscribing to the convenient views of angry and ignorant people.


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