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Apologies for the post

Submitted by Josh Stanton, Mar 9, 2009 17:21

To all who have read the "The Importance of Everyday Dialogue" post, please excuse my mistake in placing it on this website. I was trying to place an article on websites related to inter-religious dialogue and had no idea this one was Islamophobic in nature. (Frankly, I need to be more careful -- I hardly read its title before I wrote the post and relied instead on its high google ranking when it came to the search "interfaith dialogue"!) I do stand by what I said, however, in my earlier blog post and hope that people who regularly read features on this website realize that they are succumbing to fear and a misconception of 'the other,' rather than actually learning from a credible source about the beauty so inherent to religious traditions such as Islam. I hope they choose to frequent our website, www.irdialogue.org, as a credible alternative.


The Importance of Everyday Dialogue

Submitted by The Journal of Inter-Religious Dialogue™, Mar 8, 2009 17:43

The issue of religion and state is a very important one in today's world. Too often we see what's on the news and allow it to impact our day to day relations with people of other traditions. The key is listening first and then speaking later. Though you may not agree with the person you are listening to, at least at the end of the conversation you will truly understand them. For more information on how to continue dialoguing in your day to day life, check out http://www.irdialogue.org, the new website of The Journal of Inter-Religious Dialogue™. The Journal is a forum for academic, social, and timely issues affecting religious communities around the world. It is designed to increase the quality and frequency of interchanges between religious groups and their leaders through its free peer reviewed Journal and online forums. Ultimately, the Journal seeks to build an inter-religious community of scholars, in which people of different traditions learn from one another and work together for the common good. With the understanding that members of the clergy and lay leadership substantially impact the dynamics within their congregations and religious movements, the Journal of Inter-Religious Dialogue™ offers a novel way to establish long-term dialogue and collaboration between religious communities. Its content will include articles on the theological underpinnings of inter-religious work, best practices of organizations on college campuses and in the non-profit sector, and direct engagement of the difficult issues that religious leaders face in their interactions with one another. The Journal of Inter-Religious Dialogue™ will be stewarded and peer reviewed by a multigenerational Staff of seminarians and religious scholars, and an illustrious Board of Scholars and Practitioners. This Board contains broad representation of academic disciplines, non-profit work, and activism, including Swami Tyaganada, Hindu Chaplain at Harvard University, Edward Kessler, Director, Woolf Institute of Abrahamic Faiths at Cambridge University, Burton Visotzky, Appleman Professor of Midrash and Interreligious Studies at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, Eboo Patel, Executive Director of the Interfaith Youth Core, and Sheryl Kujawa-Holbrook, Academic Dean of the Episcopal Divinity School.


Who Benefits??

Submitted by Daouad, Jul 24, 2008 11:47

It seem like it is the Muslims that are the only ones that have benefited from interfaith talks. It has not changed anything for Christians, Jews and other minorities in the Muslim world.

Interfaith talks are a western concept. These talks never take place in the Islamic world. Because, unlike the west, Islamic world in not interested in "talking" but "taking".


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