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Letter to our peace loving Muslims

Submitted by Jack K., Sep 19, 2010 02:26

A letter to those peace loving Muslems.

Where do you (Islamic Fanatics) get off!!

By: Jackie R. Kays

(A Korean and Disabled Vietnam

War Veteran and a proud American!)

You come to our country demanding your rights under OUR constitution!

You want OUR freedom of; speech, expression, employment preference,

travel and the American dream!

Yet, you refuse to assimilate into OUR society and adopt OUR customs!

You call us infidels and vow to kill us at every opportunity as

instructed by your Islamic laws written in the Koran!

You demand respect for your religion, yet you have no tolerance

for OUR religions! You build Mosques in our cities and in them

you teach hate for the people of the country that you now live in!

You thumb your nose at us while you train your Islamic fanatics in OUR back yard for Jihad!

Your fanatic culture kills OUR people at every opportunity all over the world! The blood of these blatant acts is on your Islamic hands, and you call yourselves peace love people!

Your arrogance, audacity and disdain in these matters show your true colors! You are an Islamic fanatic curse and scourge on OUR land! You presents here represent a dangerous "Fifth Column" in OUR country, (Home grown terrorist) that we will have to deal with sooner or later!

Your recent history and actions in England, France, Holland and throughout Europe, has demonstrated your character perfectly. When you don't get what you want, you take to the street as a mob and commit all types of civil disobedience, rioting, burning and looting, etc! This is the type of behavior that we can expect from you in this country in the near future! No matter what anyone says; America is at war with YOU!

Wake up America, they are not coming… they are here!

No, this is not a hate letter, it a record of facts!

Jackie R. Kays…A Peace Loving American!


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