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RE: Hypocrisy

Submitted by Norm, Mar 13, 2012 18:37


Submitted by Elizabeth, Mar 1, 2012 01:56

Why are the KKK's activities not investigated as much as the MSA's

Elizabeth, the KKK and other groups are investigated, they just aren't getting the press coverage as the Muslim Brotherhood groups are. No hypocrisy, just no coverage.



Submitted by Elizabeth, Mar 1, 2012 01:56

Why are the KKK's activities not investigated as much as the MSA's?


Why the NYPD was Concerned About Muslim Student Group

Feb 28, 2012 16:32

I think it is absurd for you to believe that you know what is or is not Constitutional better than SCOTUS.

But, I also think that as long as they are not infringing on an individuals rights, the NYPD has the authority and obligation to monitor any group that it suspects of being dangerous or of having dangerous members. Hence, the surveillance is entirely acceptable, as long as that is as far as it went.


Why the NYPD was Concerned About Muslim Student Group

Feb 24, 2012 15:13

It is shameful that after two centuries, Americans in general (and the American press in particular) fail to understand the limits of Fourth Amendment protection. The right to be safe in one's person, house, papers, and effects does NOT extend to public spaces, nor, as the Supreme Court has ruled, to one's vehicle. Any other person or entity is not constitutionally prohibited from surveillance and information-gathering activities within those unprotected places.

Therefore, the senior counsel is entirely correct when he says there is no prohibition against the police lawfully gathering information, so long as it does not infringe Fourth Amendment rights. It is ridiculous and unreasonable to castigate a law enforcement agency for doing its job in a lawful manner. If the people in under investigation had had ties to the Mafia, there would have been no questions, no protests, and no story.

But this flap may have one beneficial effect, if policy-makers decide to take the hint: it is high time that local, state, and federal governments stated unequivocally that terrorism is a crime, terrorists are criminals, and terrorist organizations are criminal organizations.

NYPD officials should treat these ridiculous allegations by MSA and CAIR with the contempt they deserve--and not deign to reply to them.


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