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The illegal lost passport policy of the Port Authority of NY & NJ

Submitted by iMan9796, Oct 1, 2013 08:57

The Port Authority of NY & NJ has placed everyone's safety & security in jeopardy by undermining all the counterterrorism measures that have been put in place by allowing crimes such as the illegal policy of disposing lost valid passports in the garbage that are found in the Port Authority Bus Terminal. Now just imagine the damage that a terrorist cell could do with those valid lost passports or an identity theft ring.

What happened in Kenya could easily happen here as a result of the Port Authority's intentional breach of national security.

Also, the Port Authority turns a blind eye to the rampant theft of lost property from inside of the Port Authority Bus Terminal's Lost & Found Dept. by their supervisors. Google "Donna Lebourne abc news." & watch the video, or click on the link below.


In this age of global terrorism and rampant identity theft, the Port Authority is a reckless shameful disgusting embarrassment of bi-state transportation agency when it comes to safety & security in this area. To ignore this gaffe would be a crime on all levels of local, state & federal government, who have the power to put a stop to this madness.

Action must be taken against these corrupt incompetent criminals in the Port Authority before another terrorist attack takes place & more innocent lives are lost due to their utter disregard about our safety and security not to mention their disgraceful feeling of self entitlement to patron's lost property at the PABT.

Google "found, stolen, trashed by PA." See the link below.


It's time to stop the madness!


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