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Reader comments on this item

Read our history with Shariah/Islamic law in 1786

Submitted by Frank Livingston, Nov 13, 2012 20:29

I often hear those that do not know America's history with Shariah/Islamic law say the reason why Muslims hate America is because we occupy the Middle East however, how would they explain this?

Here is just part of a March 28, 1786, letter to John Jay, the United States Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Continental Congress, signed by John Adams and Thomas Jefferson concerning their conversation with the Tripoli ambassador. (Thomas Jefferson. "The Papers of Thomas Jefferson." Princeton Univ. Press. pp. 9:358.)

As you read the letter keep asking yourself if you see any similarities between 1786 and today's challenges with the Muslim Brotherhood infiltrating our government. Here is a part of the 1786 letter from Adams and Jefferson:

"The Ambassador answered us that it was founded on the Laws of their prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every musselman [muslim] who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise."

I suggest you read the entire letter and keep asking yourself questions about what happened in 1786 (before this nation was formed) and what is happening now. Are we experiencing the development of a worldwide Caliphate mentioned by the Tripoli ambassador? Is Pres. Obama helping the Muslim Brotherhood form a global Caliphate so when he leaves as president of the United States and is the UN Secretary-General he can rule the world dominated by Shariah? If not, why is he and his staff pushing the YouTube video as the reason to the murder of four Americans in Libya? It looks to me this is his goal.

Why doesn't the Democratic Party take action? Why isn't the RINO leadership of the Republican Party trying to stop the development of a global Caliphate?

These answers rest and more rest in what was called Cultural Marxism in 1923 when the Marxist first developed the program in Germany however, being smart on delivering a message they changed the term to "political correctness" or just "PC" for short.

We will not save this nation until we identify our true enemy and that is Cultural Marxism as it is the flying carpet in which the main players of the Democrat Party ride (communists, socialists, Marxists, Islamists, progressives, left-wing radicals, etc) and it is also the glue that bonds them in their quest to destroy America and the western world. Now we will get back to our history lesson with the 1786 letter.

The actual letter has been photocopied and it is here:


The typed version is here:



Your Vote Counts

Submitted by Ron, Nov 2, 2012 17:53

I am tired of commenting, it is a waste of time. I will just VOTE come next Tuesday, November 6, 2012 and get this President impersonater out of ,with GOD's help, amen.


I have some questions about Allah...

Submitted by Wisdomspeak1, Oct 31, 2012 20:19

I have some questions about Allah...

God forbid I say, "God is Great!" at the destruction of people as the Muslims do! Why would Allah be happy at the destruction of his creation if he's the Creator of it unless Allah is not truly the Creator God, but an imposter?! Expressions of joy, delight and happiness at destruction and death is more inline with a character of an impostor who had no involvement whatsoever in the creation of the world at all in the first place!

Why are Muslims so intent upon conquering the world for Allah? Is not Allah the Sovereign Creator God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the Christians? If he is, then why re-conquer something that's already his for he's the Creator of all things? Won't that be redundant?

Why do muslims believe that people need to be control through sharia law? Does your Allah not dwell in the hearts of his people as the Creator God of the Christians do? If not, then he's an imposter who is unable to conduct his affairs as a Sovereign God for he's NOT that Sovereign God!

Why can't Muslims attract new converts to their faith without resorting to force, coercion and violence? Is not Allah that Glorious God that can mesmerize us with his awesomeness majesty, glory, beauty and righteousness and truth? If not, then Allah is AN IMPOSTOR!

Why do Allah followers have no respect for human life? Christ says he came so that we may have life more abundantly? Why is Allah here? So that we may obtain death more violently? God states that he delights in us! Just how does Allah view humanity? Why are Muslims directed by Allah to hate everyone who's not a Muslim? Just how does Allah view us?

I do believe that Allah is a very real spirit entity that had a created beginning, but he's NOT that Sovereign Creator God, but the imposter who has declared in his heart...

...I will exalt my throne above the stars of God:... Isaiah 14:13


Sleeping with the Enemy

Oct 30, 2012 21:56

America is awash in drowsey ethics, sleeping masses, unbelieving adults, addicts to idolatry, unbelief, lying, whining, and a whole list of other adjectives, adverbs, nouns, and who is going to wake us up??. NO ONE. WHY? because it is easier to believe a lie than to tell and believe the TRUTH. Truth will set you free and keep you free. Lies lead to deception and deception leads to slavery. Choose Truth and be free. Continue in the lie and slavery will be your bed for a very long time....


dumbing down by the media

Oct 29, 2012 09:19

why are you building a fairytale about barack? He is in no way a supporter of the American dream and doesn't come across as patriotic...


More Reader Comments

Title By Date

Read our history with Shariah/Islamic law in 1786 [459 words]

Frank Livingston 

Nov 13, 2012 20:29

Your Vote Counts [32 words]


Nov 2, 2012 17:53

I have some questions about Allah... [340 words]


Oct 31, 2012 20:19

  Reply to Wisdomspeak1 [31 words]


Nov 3, 2012 15:27

  Your all questions are being a Human, all are logical questions, You must accept only logical answers!! [100 words]

barakatullah Pathan 

Jan 15, 2013 11:35

Sleeping with the Enemy [89 words]


Oct 30, 2012 21:56

dumbing down by the media [25 words]


Oct 29, 2012 09:19

It all adds up [46 words]

esnes nommoc 

Oct 27, 2012 15:03

Enemies of America in White House. [76 words]

Leith Wood 

Oct 26, 2012 15:48

Aid and comfort to the enemy [30 words]


Oct 26, 2012 09:18

Keep drinking the cool aide [6 words]


Oct 25, 2012 15:07

Continuing courting of the enemies by the administration. [51 words]


Oct 25, 2012 14:56

Obama is the Enemy of America [93 words]

Roscoe Bonifitucci 

Oct 25, 2012 14:45

congressman Sue Myrick and Islam infiltration [8 words]


Oct 25, 2012 14:42

it's by design of this African (pseudo-American) dictator/tribal chief [63 words]

alfred ferguson 

Oct 25, 2012 14:35

Leslie Statenstein [53 words]


Oct 25, 2012 13:58

all to bring down AMERICA!!!! [65 words]

Evelyn Johnson 

Oct 25, 2012 00:59

Thank God for Obama -- no more 9/11s [164 words]

Leslie Satenstein 

Oct 24, 2012 23:55

  Leslie take the Red Pill [193 words]


Oct 26, 2012 10:28

The Muslim Brotherhood and CAIR. The Progressive Infiltration of Democratic Countries by a Radical Muslim Organization [183 words]


Oct 24, 2012 23:10

Is Anyone Reallly Surprised? [130 words]


Oct 24, 2012 22:23

Not credible enough [99 words]


Oct 24, 2012 17:06


Bev of Boston, MA 

Oct 24, 2012 12:07

Terry Buchanan response of 10/23/12 to Ratonis [120 words]

K Cohen 

Oct 24, 2012 11:40

Czars [25 words]

Charles of Waveland 

Oct 24, 2012 09:08

Why would these people be visting the WH [47 words]

Dan W Rykard 

Oct 24, 2012 01:20

Romney should have used this [48 words]

Frank Luke 

Oct 23, 2012 20:38

Terrorism will increase under Romney - Ratonis comment 10/23/12 [89 words]

Terry Buchanan 

Oct 23, 2012 18:55



Oct 23, 2012 16:34

Jewish Democrats [67 words]


Oct 23, 2012 13:12

  Israel is not my native country [4 words]


Oct 23, 2012 22:54

Terrorism will increase under Romney [38 words]


Oct 23, 2012 11:37

Ancient Chinese proverb [17 words]


Oct 23, 2012 11:26

The Enemy of the State (White House Admin) [79 words]


Oct 23, 2012 10:09

  Words are important ! [16 words]


Oct 23, 2012 14:38

Deception [29 words]


Oct 23, 2012 10:07

Access to Whitehouse vs. Airplanes [16 words]

Tom Lyden 

Oct 23, 2012 08:33

How many Americans [62 words]

Jennie Maroney 

Oct 23, 2012 08:28

  Impeached, regardless [223 words]


Oct 23, 2012 13:56

American Media Failure [67 words]


Oct 23, 2012 07:48

Obama must go [34 words]


Oct 23, 2012 07:46

COEXIST [35 words]


Oct 23, 2012 07:16

  Yes, I do [94 words]


Oct 23, 2012 14:02

Is anyone surprised? [24 words]


Oct 23, 2012 06:22

where is congress [68 words]


Oct 23, 2012 02:48

  The problem is within the elections process [264 words]


Oct 23, 2012 14:15

Unheard & Unseen via the News Media [135 words]

Howard Anderson 

Oct 23, 2012 01:03

Obama supported by foreign dictators [26 words]

Failed Obamessiah 

Oct 23, 2012 00:23

Whatever [12 words]


Oct 22, 2012 23:16

Radical Islamist & Obama - WH [65 words]


Oct 22, 2012 22:24

  red-green alliance [47 words]


Oct 25, 2012 17:09

Comment [24 words]


Oct 22, 2012 22:03

  Who the hell is IPT [43 words]


Oct 22, 2012 23:23

  Click on the icon [18 words]

Concerned American 

Oct 25, 2012 03:02

Amazing how half a nation is fooled [38 words]


Oct 22, 2012 21:34

Even the liberal media agree with author [89 words]


Oct 22, 2012 20:51

I, Barack Hussein Obama,... [51 words]


Oct 22, 2012 20:20

Ft. Hood Squelched [34 words]


Oct 22, 2012 20:19

Company We Keep. [72 words]


Oct 22, 2012 20:04

Armageddon in the making [118 words]


Oct 22, 2012 20:00

Why not!! [103 words]

jim A 

Oct 22, 2012 19:08

Get Real... [19 words]

Not Surprised 

Oct 22, 2012 19:02

Islamist welcome - Republicans not [49 words]


Oct 22, 2012 18:31

Obamy [19 words]


Oct 22, 2012 17:44

How about ADL? [34 words]


Oct 22, 2012 17:30

  ADL doesn't advocate violence, Jihad, or the overthrow of the "Great Satan" [41 words]


Oct 23, 2012 09:22

Not surprised [34 words]


Oct 22, 2012 17:25

Foreign policy [181 words]


Oct 22, 2012 17:07

The Real Enemy [76 words]


Oct 22, 2012 16:56

  Satan [26 words]


Oct 23, 2012 18:11

ABUSE of women in Muslim Countires [111 words]


Oct 22, 2012 16:49

I bet there were hundreds more radical Jews [27 words]


Oct 22, 2012 15:59

  Is that you Soros? [25 words]


Oct 22, 2012 16:36

  jewish folk [74 words]


Oct 22, 2012 19:47

Excellent Work! Exposing the Deception [24 words]


Oct 22, 2012 15:53

WTF [32 words]


Oct 22, 2012 15:30

Friend in the White House [14 words]


Oct 22, 2012 15:15

the Muzzie scare tactic is getting old!!! [44 words]


Oct 22, 2012 15:13

So? [70 words]

Wizard Gynoid 

Oct 22, 2012 15:06

No Second Term! [117 words]

Beth Vann 

Oct 22, 2012 14:12

2008 Obama Interview, "my Muslim faith," and Stephanopoulos Correction [81 words]

Isadore Conyac 

Oct 22, 2012 13:56

The enemy within [14 words]


Oct 22, 2012 13:48

Islamophobia [23 words]

Tim Crowley 

Oct 22, 2012 13:37

  Hogwash? [155 words]


Oct 22, 2012 18:02

  It's not Islamophobia if they are actually trying to kill you [11 words]


Oct 22, 2012 18:37

the end is near [87 words]


Oct 22, 2012 13:35

Money Talks...... [34 words]


Oct 22, 2012 13:34

Oh, Bob! [136 words]


Oct 22, 2012 13:33

Obama's foreign policy [14 words]


Oct 22, 2012 13:23

Transformation in USA [176 words]


Oct 22, 2012 13:23

Not to be Taken Lightly [61 words]


Oct 22, 2012 13:16

Articles like this make the right look stupid [101 words]


Oct 22, 2012 12:55

  oh really [8 words]


Oct 22, 2012 15:30

  Red cqarpet at the White House [54 words]


Oct 22, 2012 16:44

  Bob [10 words]


Oct 22, 2012 20:22

  Troll [63 words]


Oct 23, 2012 13:20

What was talked about? [69 words]


Oct 22, 2012 12:51

Really??? [5 words]


Oct 22, 2012 12:49

no-fly list [39 words]


Oct 22, 2012 12:42

A White House Full of Spies [114 words]


Oct 22, 2012 12:37

WTF? [52 words]


Oct 22, 2012 12:35

Strange isn't it [83 words]


Oct 22, 2012 12:34

Not Shocking [43 words]


Oct 22, 2012 12:34

Where are Our Protectors??? [57 words]

Wade Sims 

Oct 22, 2012 12:32

Continual Appeasement [65 words]


Oct 22, 2012 12:25

The Radical Left [15 words]


Oct 22, 2012 12:24

Radical Emperialistic Emperor [30 words]


Oct 22, 2012 12:23

o'dumbos unamerican actions [63 words]


Oct 22, 2012 12:22

Shocking proof of Obama's collusion [37 words]


Oct 22, 2012 12:19

Aid and comfort to the enemy [30 words]


Oct 22, 2012 12:16

Some Americans who are Muslims [40 words]


Oct 22, 2012 12:14

Good Work [44 words]

Nice Job 

Oct 22, 2012 12:13



Oct 22, 2012 12:10

Yet Taxpayers Can't Visit? [58 words]


Oct 22, 2012 12:07

Intell community [71 words]

Tim Lucas 

Oct 22, 2012 12:06

Explosive ! [14 words]


Oct 22, 2012 12:05

Community Organize the Mozzies [36 words]


Oct 22, 2012 12:01

The left Hypocrites [15 words]

john swanson 

Oct 22, 2012 11:56

I'm not surprised [57 words]


Oct 22, 2012 11:41

If a tree falls & no one sees it fall... [49 words]


Oct 22, 2012 11:38

Obama's Terror Ties [8 words]


Oct 22, 2012 11:30

O.K. now......and maybe they were just some guys from the neighborhood? [11 words]


Oct 22, 2012 11:30

Do we need another attack? [72 words]


Oct 22, 2012 11:29

Estupido [46 words]


Oct 22, 2012 11:15

Obama Foreigh Policy [20 words]


Oct 22, 2012 11:14

Treasonous activity [39 words]


Oct 22, 2012 11:04

wow [11 words]


Oct 22, 2012 11:01

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