GLENN BECK: Let's turn to Al Qaeda here for a second. This is according to a British newspaper now, "The Guardian." U.S. officials are now finally admitting that Iran has been secretly forging ties with Al Qaeda, elements in the Sunni-Arab militias in Iraq . Who would have seen this one coming? Well, "Real Story" is, if you're a regular viewer of this program, you saw this coming! Iran is at war with the U.S. They're only fighting it by proxy right now. They're sending weapons and Iranian-backed Al Qaeda operatives into Iraq to help the insurgents kill our brothers, sisters, sons and daughters. This is all in preparation for a summer showdown with coalition forces. The sole intent is to get the United States Congress to vote for full military withdrawal from Iraq . Remember, this isn't what crazy Glenn is saying on his crazy show. This is what, according to "The Guardian," a senior U.S. official is now finally confirming. Well, hallelujah. Now that somebody in Washington is telling us what many of us have believed for a long time, maybe we can take the steps to save ourselves and finally address the fact that Iran is the head of the snake and always has been.Iran and Al Qaeda want us out of Iraq so they can set up shop. They'll set up terrorist training camps, and they'll start popping up all across Iraq and the entire Middle East, just like Starbucks. And meanwhile, us here in the West, we're going to be in for a double shot of trouble. Osama bin Laden and Iran's ayatollah have both called the war in Iraq World War III, the battle for ancient Babylon.Check your Bible, gang. They are willing to kill for a worldwide Islamic state, a global, one-world government in their coveted Babylon, and that coveted Babylon is modern day Iraq. Steven Emerson, the executive director of the Investigative Project on Terrorism, author of Jihad Incorporated, Steve, how frustrating is this to you that you see it -- you've seen this coming for years, and you keep saying it over and over and over and over again, and you keep being dismissed as a nut job?
STEVEN EMERSON: Look, Glenn, I remember when I pointed out the relationship between Hezbollah and Al Qaeda and people said, "No, Al Qaeda is Sunni; Hezbollah is Shiite. They would never talk to each other." Well, they actually conducted an agreement for training and for explosives transfer. I remember when they said that Saddam Hussein, who's Sunni, would never conduct an arrangement with Al Qaeda because he was religious and Saddam Hussein was secular. Of course, they embraced each other. The fact is that these people are very pragmatic. They're pragmatic terrorists. They hate the United States. They'll do anything. Iran has been harboring top Al Qaeda leaders. They've been providing weapons to both Shiites and Sunnis in Iraq in order to kill Americans. And suddenly we have Democratic Party officials running to both Iraq and Syria, saying, "Let's negotiate." And I find that absolutely scandalous, because what are they going to negotiate about? And if they do negotiate, they're only going to be giving them paper words that they want to hear and then continue to go about blindly blowing up Americans.
BECK: You know, it is amazing. It is absolutely amazing. These people are so bright; they're doing the opposite of what we're doing right now. We're feasting on each other. We're making enemies of each other while our enemy comes and gets us. Meanwhile, these guys, they're all going to kill each other eventually. I mean, Iran is going to kill the Sunnis or the Shias, and the Shias are going to kill the other ones. And Al Qaeda doesn't agree with Iran. It's all going to go into a bloody mess, but they're uniting to kill us first.
EMERSON: Well, that's what usually happens, because, in their world, each one -- each existence contests the other's existence, and they have to kill each other in the end. And that's why ultimately we stand a chance. If they ever got together and really unified themselves, and didn't view each other's existence as a challenge to one another, then we wouldn't stand a chance.
BECK: Give me the one thing that you just wish you could grab people by the collar and say, "Would you please wake up?" Give me the one fact that might wake up one person in this audience.
EMERSON: Look, what I suggest to people is that our way of life is changing right now and that that was demonstrated by the reaction to the Danish cartoons, when not one American newspaper published the cartoons, with the exception of "The Philadelphia Inquirer." That was more important to me, just as important to me, just as significant as the 9/11 bombings, because that demonstrated the appeasement of the American newspaper, the American media, which was the fourth estate. That's the way we're changing our lives, due to the incredible demands made by Muslim radicals all over the world. That's a very serious, dangerous problem that we're not taking cognizance of.
BECK: Steve, I only have time for a two-word answer on this: 25 percent of American Muslims under 30 now say, you know, it's OK to use suicide bombings. Scary or very scary?
EMERSON: I would say that number is probably underestimated. I would say that this has been coming on for a long time, and it's definitely very worrisome.
BECK: OK. Thanks, Steven. That's "The Real Story" tonight.