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Need a "reply" function (print function not so hot either)

Submitted by Larry A Singleton, Jul 27, 2014 01:31

"AMP and Hamas and looking in the mirror" " How many billions have the Hamas leaders stolen and put in personal European accounts. According to Mahmoud Abbas, Arafat stole $3-4 billion, which is why after Arafat died, the PA sued Arafat's widow in France to recover the money. Hamas leaders can probably retire quite comfortably themselves." Read: Arafat's Swiss Bank Account by Issam Abu Issa (MEQ) http://www.meforum.org/645/arafats-swiss-bank-account Hamas from Cradle to Grave by Matthew Levitt (MEQ) http://www.meforum.org/582/hamas-from-cradle-to-grave


Taher Herzallh

Submitted by gary fouse, Jul 22, 2014 13:08

I was at the Oren event. It was disgusting. These self-annointed martyrs attempted to deprive some 300 mostly elderly Jewish folks of the chance to hear the Israeli ambassador speak. They were rightly prosecuted and convicted.

In 2012, three of them returned to UC Irvine to speak as part of the annual anti-Israel week of events hosted by the Muslim Student Union. During the q and a, I pointed out to them that they were speaking without any disruption and asked them why they could not afford that right to those with whom they disagreed. They proudly answered that Oren was a "war criminal", and that if he ever returned to UCI, they would do it again.

One of those three speakers was Taher Herzallah.


AMP and Hamas and looking in the mirror

Jul 22, 2014 07:43

Gaza is an occupied and oppressed land. It is occupied and oppressed by Hamas. Under total control by Hamas for 7 years, why have so few people, if any, had their living conditions improve. Gaza has received enough building materials to properly house tens of thousands if not one hundred thousand people. Instead they built a thousand tunnels some big enough to drive a truck through. Not enough water. How much water has been used to mix all that cement for these tunnels. Can't pay their gov't workers. Maybe the tens of billions in aid they've received from UN, US, EU and others shouldn't gave gone to buy rockets, rocket launchers and other weapons. How many billions have the Hamas leaders stolen and put in personal European accounts. According to Mahmoud Abbas, Arafat stole $3-4 billion, which is why after Arafat died, the PA sued Arafat's widow in France to recover the money. Hamas leaders can probably retire quite comfortably themselves.


Usual Arab Logic

Submitted by Ben Hur, Jul 21, 2014 23:15

If Israel's goal is ethnic cleansing and genocide, why do the Palestianians think that Human Shields will work??


There is no statue of limitations on sedition and treason.

Submitted by Christian, Jul 21, 2014 21:25

There is no statue of limitations on sedition and treason. So these guys live with apprehensions because soon as real Muslims find an isolated place they'll put these Americans down and earn their ticket to their heaven.


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