E.D. HILL: You know you can run through a number of terrorist plots that have been thwarted – from the Fort Dix folks, to the people down in Florida, to the folks who wanted to go out to JFK. But those days may be gone. New information that al Qaeda may be overcoming its last hurdle to be able to attack us again.
FBI Director, Robert Mueller, says he's worried about the terror recruiting going on overseas.
(Begin Video Clip)
ROBERT MUELLER: Our concern – a great concern – is that, while it is happening in Europe, it is one plane ticket away from occurring within the United States.
(End Video Clip)
HILL: Joining us now is Steve Emerson, a terror analyst, and a person who really studies this day in and day out. You know what's going on there.
It's not just the threat of someone who looks like us attacking us, but now, the new tape that has just come out, shows that it's children as well. And it sort of assaults our Western sensibilities to see tapes with kids.
Is this anything new?
STEVEN EMERSON: It's not really new. What's new is that it was memorialized on tape, which adds to it a public relations ploy on their part. But it also shows the fact that they're willing to use young women – they used mentally impaired women the other day to set off the suicide bombs – now they're using kids. And this is increasingly being adopted by radical Islamic groups around the world.
HILL: Yeah, what U.S. soldier is going to stop a kid – an eight or nine year old kid – and suspect that kid of being a terrorist, potentially someone who would kill them?
EMERSON: Right. In fact, the use of children and babies was used in the plot – the attempted plot – to detonate the bombs on the ten aircraft coming from the U.K. to the United States two years ago. One of the defendants was going to be reeling her baby onto the plane with the liquids melded into the frame of the carriage, and that was going to be detonated and she was going to blow up her kid.
HILL: You know, I think that's one of the toughest things for us here in the West. To take our, the way we look at the world, the way we look at Heaven and push that to the side, and try to see this from the perspective of these radical Muslims. That this is the highest thing they can do; not only for themselves but for their children. And now we get this information about Benazir Bhutto. The first assassination attempt on her was with a baby. How did that happen?
EMERSON: This is pretty fascinating. It didn't get any play and…
EMERSON: …yet in fact, one of the first, the first efforts to assassinate her occurred when an assassin had arranged for Bhutto to actually pick up a baby and at that moment they were going to detonate a bomb, killing the baby and killing Bhutto. But for some reason, she didn't pick up the baby and the bomb didn't go off. But…
HILL: Yeah, the security said there's something suspicious about this guy and they stopped him.
EMERSON: But you're right about the issue of the martyrdom. I mean, the fact is, even the other day when the Israeli woman was killed due to the suicide bombing, there was celebrations throughout the West Bank and Gaza, martyred by the family, by people giving out sweets. They celebrate the death of people because this is the way to achieve martyrdom in radical…
HILL: You kill a baby. Your own child.
HILL: You allow your own child to die and that's something great.
EMERSON: You achieve eternity in that way, you achieve glorification. I mean, it's the ultimate way of dying in the cause of Allah.
HILL: Alright, Steve, there is so much more I want to talk to you about, I but I appreciate your time. You helped me with a new special that we're putting together here at Fox News on Radical Islam. We'll be airing that fairly soon, and we'll have you back on again very soon, I'm sure.
HILL: Thank you very much.