003-0074 Video E
Chorus: Yearnings from fire.
Fawaz: Yearnings from fire.
Chorus: Yearnings from fire.
Fawaz: Yearnings from fire.
[Caption on the screen]
There is no God but God,
Mohamed is God's prophet
[End caption]
UM: O Ahmad Yasin [UI]. O Ahmad Yasin...[UI]
And no matter what the enemy did,
No matter what the enemy..., no matter what the enemy,
Today Ahmad, today Ahmad conquers the ...[UI].
UM: Ala-dal-ona [Popular folklore song],
Chorus: ala-dal-ona, to Al-Aqsa...[UI].
UM: Ala-dal-ona [Popular folklore song],
Chorus: ala-dal-ona, to Al-Aqsa...[UI].