022-0014 Video B
Siam: ...from the Romans, Khaled yelled at him
and said, "Shut up, rather say: 'How few are
the Romans and how numerous are the Muslims!
Because the armies increase with the
victory and are reduced with the defeat and
shame". What are you thinking? Is it a matter
of numbers? Well, friend, the Arabs are 150
million people, what have they done to the three millions!
And the Arab armies were seven and became 22.
What have they done to- to- to the Israeli
Defense Army, it is even the defense army, not
the offense the pitiful Israeli defense army.
It humiliated them. This is a colonel and this
is the er,... the colonel of the army and this is the, I
do not what and all those titles, and, and...er,
a colonel would humiliate them. Therefore, the
Intifada, God willing, may change at
some time to a war with weapons, but rather it
has changed at some time or in some areas. I
mean, for example, they came to Bethlehem last
March, they found it asleep, just an example,
I mean, one of the cities is asleep. Why? Eh...er,
and...and the city or the village that is asleep
is treated excellent by the enemy so that it
may remain sleeping. So they used live bullets
to assassinate a soldier, you have seen him on
television and seen him on the news, and they
killed him. What is the reason? Why is that?
They could have got him in areas that are more
secure to them. But it is rather to stir the
regions that are sleeping. Therefore, the
weapons are available and the weapon is used
at any mo... moment, thanks to God.
Fawaz: Dear brother, may God honor you.
Siam: Hmm.
Fawaz: Are the Mujahidin in Palestine able to
take up weapons against the Jews or is this
matter delayed until a later time?
Siam: I mean, I do not...er, I mean... I do not
say other than what I know. It is as if there
is an agreement between the active Islamic and
national movements not to use the weapon in
attacking the residentially crowded areas so
that it may not give an excuse to those fanatics
and racists to...er, I mean, to exterminate the
people or use weapons against them. But, for
example, believe this, in the al-Shati'e Camp,
for instance, a...er, it is impossible for the
military vehicles to be able to enter because
the ground is implanted with nails, tied down
and such. So they used the armored vehicles.
They discovered God is most Great! Where did
they come from! By God, the son- your brothers
are devils. They discovered that the armored
vehicles, if rags, meaning old blankets and old
clothes, go in the chain, it stops going.
UM: There is no God but God!
Siam: So they furnished the roads with it and
cover it with sand. As a result, the first one
breaks down, only one needs to break down, our
streets are not highways! They are all you need,
if it breaks down, you have broke down all that
are behind it, so they used that. I mean, a...er,
of course, it is not military cleverness or
political cleverness or- it is God who gives
inspiration, and inspires according to the
available material. The people of Gaza and the
people of Nablus have used, you may have seen
it on the news, the people of Gaza this is
the pottery. And it is impossible
for the jar to be used for gasoline. Jars are
for water, the jar that is on the head of the
girl. So the girl fills it up with gasoline...
UM: God is Great!
Siam: ...and brings it down in front of a foot
patrol to get some rest. Nobody would possibly
think that this jar has..., it is for water! It is for
water! So a young man would strike it with a
lighting match or a lighter and both of them
runs away. So it explodes. A jar of gasoline.
A clay jar used for gasoline. The figs, you have
read about it, they put in it crushed glass and
sell it to the soldiers, figs! Can somebody
say about it...it is true that he will be harmed
from the first one and...