022-0022 Video B
Elmezain: ...effective this coming Monday, this
project will be firmly established; the value
of this coin box is a small amount,
approximately 21 dollars [UI] God Almighty is
willing, get our brothers accustomed to
donating for the benefit of Palestine, then
we send these contributions to the Occupied Land
Fund. Brothers, around the same time last year,
I was here, and around time like these days,
two days from now, will come upon us the
anniversary of the martyrdom of the Muslim,
Mujahid, Scholar, Sheik Abdullah Azzam who
visited us two years ago, and I was with him
on the donations committee at the Muslim Arab
Youth Association, and he pleaded with the
Islamic nations; he said: "Let them abstain for
one day from Pepsi Cola", abstain from Pepsi
Cola that you drink and put its value in the coin box
for the benefit of the Mujahidin in Palestine,
"And abstain one day in every week from meat".
Brothers, I know families, and among the
classiest families, by God, at our end, in New
Jersey, who now apply this system, by the grace of
God Almighty. They sent me to a doctor, a heart
specialist, and he told me: "Abou Ibrahim, this
week, we contributed to the family the value of
the meat, and next week we will contribute the
value of the Pepsi Cola; and in the following
week, we will contribute the value of the candy".
I told him, "May God
bless you, your family and wealth". This was
the advice of the martyr, Abdullah Azzam
So we can apply it, God Almighty is willing.