This beautiful young girl you see on both sides of the picture attached is Naama Levi. She is one of many who were kidnapped into Gaza's terror tunnels by the monstrous Hamas-ISIS terrorists during the October 7th genocide against Israelis. You can clearly see the painful truth of why Naama's gray pajama (she was kidnapped in her pajama from her base) is covered in blood in a very specific location, indicating the horrific abuse she endured at the hands of those soulless, barbaric creatures who held her at gunpoint until this past Saturday.
Look how the terrorist is lifting his gun like a champion to the cheering mob in Gaza, celebrating his "achievement" of catching a prey: a young "human trophy."
Truly sickening.
Over a year later Naama Levi, will be among the four women returned to Israel in a "trade-off," where Israel is forced to release Gaza's so-called "heroes," who are convicted terrorists serving multiple life sentences and arch-rapists like those who hurt Naama. These are the "brave men" Gaza's "innocent civilians" idolize. You must understand this reality to grasp the pathological sickness of their morally bankrupt society and the absence of humanity they suffer from. They want their rapists and murderers back in their society and cheer for their return. Let that sink in for a second.
There is a very difficult-to-watch video showing these poor girls being kidnapped. Surrounded by bloodthirsty terrorists who, after beating them and tying their hands as they were pushed to sit against the wall, laugh at them to humiliate them and discuss, while laughing, who they would get pregnant. This is the devilish face of our enemy.
Even in this "deal," Hamas-ISIS didn't honor its word and broke the agreement. Although we are overjoyed to have our girls back, Hamas-ISIS was obligated to release our civilians first, but they didn't. For propaganda purposes, they chose to release some of our female soldiers first—young girls who were new to the IDF, stationed at a military base near the Gaza border that was suddenly invaded. By dressing them in uniforms, Hamas-ISIS aimed to create a fake moral equivalence between us and them, prioritizing the release of female soldiers over civilian captives.
Nevertheless, we are beyond words happy that these precious girls are home. But let it be clear: the devilish terrorists we are up against have no problem murdering babies, so lying is nothing more than a trivial act for them. It's in their nature.
And the cynical cruelty of Hamas-ISIS (an internationally designated terrorist organization by everyone except the BBC) doesn't stop there. Upon their release from Gaza's hell, the girls were forced to walk with a bag of Hamas-ISIS' commodities in their hands and a sort of Palestinian name tag, as if they were attending a high-tech convention or a summer camp abroad. Yes, the terrorists are very busy with branding and merchandise. Just like ISIS, which invests heavily in its brand to attract new followers, recruit members, and enhance its "terror performance".
And look at those masked terrorists surrounding them. These same terrorists, now putting on such a "strong manly presence," were hiding deep in their underground tunnels like the rats they are, trembling at Israel's military force that closed in on them just a minute ago. And their uniforms? Don't be silly. They never wear them! They dress in civilian clothing when they come out of the tunnels so that Israel would mistake them for "innocent Gazans" and avoid targeting them. This act of extravagant force is purely for propaganda purposes to deceive the naive foreign media. But we Israelis know perfectly well that this is nothing more than a cheap show by 7th-century savages still living in medieval times.
And as you know, being the educated readers that you are, the side that feels the need to parade its military power in the streets is always the weaker, losing side, compensating for its inadequacies—much like Freud's observations about overcompensation and the fixation on size. Deep down, they know perfectly well who truly has the biggest.
Let's take a moment to address the selective and ugly face of the Nazi-Islamist apologist organization—the antisemitic "RED CURSE!"
The International Red Cross (International Committee of the Red Cross - ICRC) actually aided and abetted the Nazi regime during the Second World War, including in the concentration camps.
Widely accepted documentation shows that the Red Cross visited concentration camps and saw with their own eyes the horrors, including dreadful conditions, starvation and intentional mass murder; The Red Cross policy was to NOT intervene, interfere, to help the victims, or even inform the world about what the Nazis were doing... they apparently went to the camps 'just for fun'.
"It's dangerous to occupy oneself with the concentration camps" said Carl Jacob Burckhardnt, the Red Cross official for Nazi related matters. He didn't want to "occupy" his and his fellow Nazi apologists with the 'hassle' of dead Jews... apparently to Burckhardnt, Jews didn't really count as human beings.
And is if that were not horrific enough, the Red Cross internal archives include travel documents issued "mistakenly" to Nazis with Jewish blood on their hands in the postwar period, allowing them to avoid capture by the Allies. How do you think monsters like Adolf Eichmann, Josef Mengele and Klaus Barbie managed to escape? By a magic carpet? Oh no... through the horrific support of the Red Cross.
This is really just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the Red Cross's active assistance to war criminals - but not all war criminals, the International Red Cross seems most intent on helping those who kill Jews.
So, it all makes more sense now, right? no surprise that the Red Cross hasn't lifted a finger to help the Israeli hostages held captive for over a year by the savagery of Hamas-ISIS, enduring torture and weaponized rape.
It's clear now why the Red Cross hasn't condemned Hamas-ISIS for the genocide it committed on the October 7th massacre and why it hasn't condemned Hamas-ISIS for the brutal sexual violence committed against Jewish women, children, men and even babies.
The mission of the International Red Cross requires that they visit all prisoners of war and hostages to ensure humane conditions. They have done this diligently in almost every other conflict. And when they cannot succeed in this mission, they sound the alarm to the world, and bring international pressure. Yet in two cases they violated their own policy and international law: in the Nazi concentration camps and in the Hamas-ISIS terror tunnels. Both have one thing in common: the victims were Jews.
The "Red Curse" has effectively turned its back on our hostages throughout their captivity. As we speak, 90 kidnapped Israelis—brutally abducted from a sovereign country—are being held by the sons of Satan, yet the Red Cross does NOT demand their immediate release, nor have they visited them even once! Not to check if they are okay, healthy, or even alive. Nothing! Why? Because they are Jews. The Red Cross is a humanitarian organization for everyone BUT the Jews.
Instead, they are far too busy visiting mega-terrorists with Jewish blood on their hands in maximum-security prisons here in Israel to find the time to check on the condition of a 9-month-old Jewish baby held captive by the very terrorists they tacitly support and endorse at every opportunity. Now they're acting like "Mother Teresa," picking up our hostages from enemy lines as if they actually care—when, in fact, they are merely being used as a taxi service.
Now, do not dare speak to us Israelis about peace.
There is no peace with a rape-regime that invests every minute of every day trying to finish what Hitler couldn't. We, the Jewish people, are not going to walk like sheep to the slaughter. Sorry to disappoint those who had wishful thinking that we would die silently, as happened 80 years ago.
You want us to give a devilish rape regime an army, control over airports, seaports and airspace? You want them to command international legitimacy and power on a global stage? For real?! The answer is NO. Israel will make peace with Hamas and grant it a state when you make peace with ISIS and allow them to establish an Islamic state on your borders. Not gonna happen, huh? Didn't think so.
I'll finish with this: The objective of the Palestinian terrorists is to kill. They don't care who dies, IDF soldiers, civilian men, women, children, babies, the aged, even Arab Israelis. Actually, they intentionally target innocent civilians who are going about their business without a thought of defending themselves. Israel, on the other hand, makes every effort not to harm civilians. We are defending ourselves against radical Islamist terrorists who want to kill us simply because we are here.
Israel (as well as other democracies) should adopt a defensive mechanism within its democracy and should not allow its enemies—internal or external—to abuse its democratic platforms to cause harm. Israel must learn from what was, unfortunately, demonstrated on October 7th and throughout history: its jihadist Islamist enemies do not operate under any rules or conventions—only by 7th-century codes.
Guess what happened then? Read about it. It's extremely eye-opening.
We cannot allow ourselves to be a suicidal democracy. Democracy has no chance if it doesn't protect itself from those who try to destroy it using its own ammunition against it.
This article originally appeared on Tzlil Berko's Substack.
Tzlil Berko is an experienced security consultant and entrepreneur. She is also an avid writer of poetry, song lyrics, short stories, scripts, & more. Tzlil has played a major role in conceiving and writing with her parents, Drs. Anat & Reuven Berko, a TV psychological thriller and family melodrama drawing on Dr. Anat Berko's books and the family's remarkable personal story. She is currently completing her thesis on the potential relationship and influence between terrorism and the Metaverse.
Follow Tzlil on Substack and on X @BerkoTzlil
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