Articles |
Title  |
Publication  |
Date  |
We May Have Left Afghanistan, Mr. President, But We Are Still at War |
IPT News |
September 23, 2021 |
"Wokeism" Energizes Antisemitism |
IPT News |
April 26, 2021 |
Pete Hoekstra on Fox News Discussing the Foiled Terror Attack in Belgium |
Interview on Fox News |
June 20, 2017 |
Pete Hoekstra on Fox Business About the Significance of the Travel Ban |
Interview on Fox Business Network |
June 5, 2017 |
Time for honesty about London: We are losing the fight against radical Islam |
Fox News |
June 5, 2017 |
Pete Hoekstra on Fox News: Intel Community Overwhelmed, Immigration Policies Partially to Blame |
Interview on Fox News |
June 4, 2017 |
Pete Hoekstra on Fox News: Islamic Terrorists are Gaining Ground |
Interview on Fox News |
June 4, 2017 |
Pete Hoekstra on Fox News discussing IPT's 2016 terrorism trends study and how the London attacks fit the trend |
Interview on Fox News |
June 4, 2017 |
Pete Hoekstra on Fox News explains that evidence of increasing radical Islam is "very, very obvious" |
Interview on Fox News |
June 4, 2017 |
Pete Hoekstra on Fox News: ISIS and Intel in the UK |
Interview on Fox News |
June 3, 2017 |
Pete Hoekstra on Fox News: Reaction to the London Terror Attacks |
Interview on Fox News |
June 3, 2017 |
IPT's Pete Hoekstra on Fox News on the FBI translator who married the ISIS fighter she was investigating |
Interview on Fox News |
May 2, 2017 |
Pete Hoekstra: Our intel officers take great risks for us. We can't let one of them wind up in an Italian jail |
Fox News |
January 12, 2017 |
Pete Hoekstra: US Intel Is Fighting Blind Against ISIS |
Newsmax |
November 4, 2016 |
Obama Administration Underestimates Terror |
Newsmax |
October 17, 2016 |
Obama rolls dice on foreign policy in secretive presidential directive |
Washington Examiner |
October 3, 2016 |
A final footnote on Gadhafi (9 comments) |
Washington Examiner |
July 12, 2016 |
Obama administration's absurd priorities (3 comments) |
FoxNews.com |
June 17, 2016 |
Islamists Tighten Grip in Africa |
Newsmax |
June 15, 2016 |
Why can't Obama just tell Americans the truth about the Orlando attack and radical Islam? (8 comments) |
FoxNews.com |
June 13, 2016 |
PC Policies in Brussels Threaten US Safety as Well |
Newsmax |
May 2016 |
Is It Back to Square One for Libya? (1 comment) |
U.S. News & World Report |
April 29, 2016 |
Pompeo Correct to Speak out about Islamic Speaker (2 comments) |
The Wichita Eagle |
April 12, 2016 |
Students Can't Remember A Past They Never Learned (2 comments) |
The Daily Caller |
April 5, 2016 |
ISIS Caliphate in Libya Spreading Terror throughout Africa |
IPT News |
April 1, 2016 |
Islamist violence threatens Judeo-Christian civilization |
Fox News |
April 1, 2016 |
NYT Acknowledges Findings on Rise of ISIS in Europe (1 comment) |
IPT News |
March 30, 2016 |
Global Islamist Terror Surges in Lethality, Focus |
Foxnews.com |
March 28, 2016 |
Islamist Terror Growing in Lethality and Geography, IPT Analysis Finds (8 comments) |
IPT News |
March 28, 2016 |
Anger Over Belgium Will Cost Leaders at the Polls |
Newsmax |
March 24, 2016 |
Pete Hoekstra interviewed on Fox News Channel (1 comment) |
Fox News Channel |
March 23, 2016 |
Pete Hoekstra on NewsmaxTV discussing the attacks in Brussels |
NewsmaxTV |
March 22, 2016 |
Pete Hoekstra on BloombergTV discussing the terror attacks in Belgium |
Interview on BloombergTV |
March 22, 2016 |
IPT's Pete Hoekstra discussing the terror attacks in Belgium |
Interview on WMAL - Mornings On The Mall |
March 22, 2016 |
Protesters Violently Riot Over Protected Political Speech (1 comment) |
Daily Caller |
March 14, 2016 |
ISIS Targets Jordan With Death and Destruction |
Newsmax |
March 3, 2016 |
Profane hatred blossoms on campus (2 comments) |
Washington Times |
February 28, 2016 |
Libya disaster: Have Western leaders learned anything? |
Fox News |
February 19, 2016 |
Obama's reckless foreign policy has put Israel in dire jeopardy |
Sacramento Bee |
February 18, 2016 |
ISIS Leader Moves to Libya (1 comment) |
IPT News |
February 16, 2016 |
Questions for Obama's first U.S. mosque visit |
Washington Examiner |
February 3, 2016 |
EXCLUSIVE – Pete Hoekstra: NSA Spying on Congress Requires Suspending State of the Union Invite (3 comments) |
Breitbart.com |
January 4, 2016 |
New evidence reinforces CAIR's Islamist history |
December 22, 2015 |
Breaking from the U.S., the U.K. Condemns the Muslim Brotherhood, Calling It a Terrorist Group (4 comments) |
National Review |
December 22, 2015 |
The West Can Defeat ISIS – but What Comes Next? |
Fiscal Times |
December 8, 2015 |
San Bernardino Murders Expose Failure to Address Radical Islam (4 comments) |
IPT News |
December 4, 2015 |
NYT, Sputnik Agree with Hoekstra's 'Architects of Disaster' (1 comment) |
IPT News |
December 3, 2015 |
Hoekstra on NewsmaxTV: American Concerns About Terror Threats Well Grounded |
NewsmaxTV |
November 30, 2015 |
Claims Of CENTCOM Cooking The Books On ISIS Intel Show We Need New Whistleblower Protections |
Daily Caller |
November 30, 2015 |
Imposing Our Idea of Order in Mideast Doesn't Work (1 comment) |
Newsmax |
November 24, 2015 |
IPT's Pete Hoekstra on CNN: We Are Approaching War (2 comments) |
November 20, 2015 |
Hoekstra: Vetting Syrian Refugees Poses Unparalleled Challenges |
Rick Jensen radio show, WDEL |
November 17, 2015 |
Jihadists Crippling the West from Within (3 comments) |
American Thinker |
November 17, 2015 |
Hoekstra Talks Failing U.S. Policy Toward Defeating ISIS (1 comment) |
Lars Larson radio show |
November 16, 2015 |
Someone Tell The President We Can't Fight Radical Islam By Being Politically Correct (7 comments) |
Forbes |
November 16, 2015 |
Hoekstra Responds to 'Bizarre' White House Attack on "Architects of Disaster" |
NewsmaxTV |
November 12, 2015 |
Hoekstra: Declaration of War Against ISIS Would Clarify Enemy, How to Defeat It |
NewsmaxTV |
November 11, 2015 |
Obama has the wrong strategy on Syria (1 comment) |
November 11, 2015 |
IPT's Pete Hoekstra interviewed on Possible ISIS bombing of Russian Plane (1 comment) |
Newsmax |
November 4, 2015 |
Pete Hoekstra at The Heritage Foundation discussing his new book 'Architects of Disaster: The Destruction of Libya' |
The Heritage Foundation |
November 2, 2015 |
Hoekstra: Five questions for the Democratic candidates |
Detroit News |
October 20, 2015 |
Shariah Incompatible With the Constitution (4 comments) |
IPT News |
October 6, 2015 |
Refugee Crisis Demands Coherent Foreign Policy |
IPT News |
September 22, 2015 |
Beheaded Christian Doesn't Regret Faith (3 comments) |
The Daily Caller |
May 15, 2015 |
IPT Shillman Fellow Pete Hoekstra on SiriusXM POTUS: Get U.S. allies equipment, training to defeat ISIS |
Interview on SiriusXM POTUS |
February 18, 2015 |
IPT Shillman Fellow Pete Hoekstra: Western leaders refuse to address enduring threat from radical Islam |
Interview on Sun News Canada |
January 12, 2015 |
IPT Shillman Fellow Pete Hoekstra On Fox Business: Sydney Islamist Terrorist been on Radar since 2007 |
Interview on Fox Business Network |
December 15, 2014 |
Iran Bent on Supporting Islamist Terror During Nuclear Talks (3 comments) |
IPT News |
March 11, 2014 |
Blog Posts |
Title  |
Publication  |
Date  |
New Report Confirms IPT Analysis on Spread of Islamist Terror |
For The Record - The IPT Blog |
June 22, 2016 |
CAIR's Identity Problem (1 comment) |
For The Record - The IPT Blog |
November 24, 2015 |