Irvine 11 – Jurors See Emails Plotting Disruptions

SANTA ANA – Emails detailing plans by Muslim Student Union (MSU)members to interrupt a speech by Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren last year were entered into evidence Monday in the misdemeanor trial of 10 University of California, Irvine students.

The emails outline how the group actively developed a plan to silence the Israeli ambassador, while dishonestly maintaining that the organization had no involvement. "We will be staying for the majority of the program and disrupting it throughout the whole time," one email said.

Witness Rhoda Harris, a Holocaust survivor, described a scene of chaos as the students interrupted the speech multiple times. Oren could not be heard over the cheering that followed each disruption, she claimed, shutting down the event an hour before scheduled.

"One can voice opposition, but not at the expense of someone else's voice," she said.

Jurors were not informed of Harris's life history, though, after an order by Judge Peter Wilson. He also demanded that there be no references to the defendants' religion.

While the internal emails showed that the MSU did not believe that the ambassador had a right to spread "Israeli propaganda" on their campus, MSU's leadership lied to press and university about its intentions. The exhibits show that the goal was a disruption that would serve as an example to future pro-Israel speakers: Their presence was not welcome and that they would not enjoy freedom of speech on American campuses.

The emails showed that MSU members formed a detailed plan to disrupt the speech. A general meeting of the group introduced the idea of breaking up the ambassador's speech, which was followed up by a series of emails between the group's leaders. Ultimately, the speech organized several groups of student to disrupt the speech while reading speeches from note cards, while sympathetic audience members cheered them and drowned out the ambassador's words. The organization even suggested included visiting high school students, to give them a taste of the MSU.

The MSU is a chapter of the national Muslim Students Association, considered among the most extreme in the country.

Anticipating a weak response from campus police, the protesters jeering accomplished their goal and led to an early end to the Israeli politician's speech. Eleven students were arrested at the event, but 10 are charged in the case.

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By IPT News  |  September 13, 2011 at 10:13 am  |  Permalink

Moscow Could Pay Price for Backing Assad

Syrian security forces continue to brutalize the civilian population, bringing the death toll to more than 2,600 since protests against President Bashar Assad's government began in late March, according to the United Nations. But Russian officials, troubled by the prospect of jeopardizing billions of dollars worth of military sales and other commerce, are fighting against efforts to penalize the Syrian dictatorship for its crimes.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on Monday criticized proposals for passage of a UN Security Council resolution condemning the Assad regime. Any resolution needed to be aimed at "both parties" to the conflict, he said, even though virtually all of the violence is being perpetrated by government forces, a point U.S. Ambassador to Syria Robert Ford made on his Facebook page.

Despite continuing reports of brutality by Syrian security forces, regime officials remain welcome in Moscow. On Monday, Assad's media adviser Bouthaina Shaaban met with Russian lawmakers there. A government official pledged assistance to Damascus after that meeting, and said a delegation of Russian lawmakers would visit Syria soon in an effort "to ease political tensions in the region."

Russian media accounts suggest Moscow's motivations may be less noble - specifically, to prevent a collapse of the Assad government - which could jeopardize Moscow's substantial economic and military interests in Syria.

The Moscow Times reported recently that Russia has more than $4 billion in active arms contracts with Damascus, including surface-to-air missiles, artillery systems, anti-tank weaponry and MiG-29 fighters. Syria also hosts Russia's sole Mediterranean naval base, at Tartus. Russian investment in Syria totaled $19.4 billion in 2009.

The current unrest could put Moscow's money at risk. In February, Russian state-run utility company Inter RAO announced a $500 million plan to expand across the Middle East in Syria and other nations. But late last month a spokesman for the firm said it had no intention of working in Syria and had no connection to that country.

Moscow could pay a price for backing for Assad if he is overthrown. Pro-democracy activists announced that Tuesday will be a "day of anger" against Russia for backing the Syrian regime.

"Do not support the killers," dissidents urged Russia on a new Facebook page called "The Syrian Revolution 2011."

They added: "We express our anger towards Russia and the Russian government. The regime will disappear, but the [Syrian] people will live."

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By IPT News  |  September 12, 2011 at 4:47 pm  |  Permalink

The OIC's Deceptive Stance on Terrorism

The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) marked the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks by releasing a statement condemning the "horrendous and cowardly" terrorist attacks, while adding that it is necessary to address the "root causes" of terrorism.

"In its firm belief that combating terrorism requires a multi dimensional approach and not only the use of military means to guarantee sustainable peace, the OIC attaches enormous importance to identifying and addressing the root causes of conflicts and disputes," the statement reads.

Other "root" causes the OIC attributes to acts of terror include "political, economic, social or technological" underpinnings.

The statement said the OIC's position against terrorism is spelled out in its Ten Year Programme of Action adopted in 2005. That document condemns terrorism yet "distinguish[es] it from the legitimate resistance to foreign occupation, which does not sanction the killing of innocent civilians," an article from CNS News Monday notes. The CNS News article also points to the OIC Convention on Combating Terrorism in July 1999, which says, "Peoples struggle including armed struggle against foreign occupation, aggression, colonialism, and hegemony, aimed at liberation and self-determination in accordance with the principles of international law shall not be considered a terrorist crime."

The OIC 9/11 statement also mentions that the tragic events have helped "the Islamophobes to pursue with their discriminatory agenda towards Islam and Muslims."

The OIC has tried to separate Islam from terrorism, the CNS News article notes, "but its fixed stance on 'occupation' has not helped it to achieve that goal."

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By IPT News  |  September 12, 2011 at 2:39 pm  |  Permalink

Possible Attack Thwarted in Sweden

Swedish police arrested three Somali men and an Iraqi Saturday night on suspicion they were plotting to attack an art fair at a landmark gallery in Goteborg.

There is speculation that cartoonist Lars Vilks, whose caricature of the prophet Mohammed as a dog generated radical Islamist outrage may have been planning to attend. A local news agency reported the suspects were arrested near the fair. More than 300 people were evacuated from the event late Saturday night by police "after concluding that there was a threat that could endanger lives or health or cause serious damage."

Another local report indicated the attack involved bombs and guns. The three Somalis are suspected of being tied to the Somali terrorist group al-Shebaab, which vowed to retaliate against Vilks. Other reports indicate two of the suspects are Swedish citizens.

Officials are saying very little about the case. Prosecutors have until Tuesday to decide whether to charge the suspects or release them.

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By IPT News  |  September 12, 2011 at 10:53 am  |  Permalink

McCarthy Debunks Reports Critical of NYPD

Former counter-terrorism federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy has become the nation's pre-eminent "truth squad" in analyzing, dissecting and debunking the mainstream media's campaign, seemingly in collusion with Islamist groups, numerous federal and local counter-terrorism programs and operations that are portrayed as anti-Muslim, as illegal for "spying on Americans," and for the use of informants which both the media and Muslim Brotherhood front groups have virulently attacked as either illegally violating the privacy rights of Americans or for "instigating" Islamic terrorist plots.

In a recently-published article on National Review Online, McCarthy once again demonstrates his sheer brilliance in rebutting the manifold falsehoods in the recent series of articles in the Associated Press as well as National Public Radio for their demonstrably false allegations of NYPD improprieties in their extensive and elaborate counter-terrorist program that emphasizes the primacy of good intelligence as the first line of defense in stopping terrorism.

Not only does McCarthy dissect the false media reports about the NYPD's counter-terrorist aggressive efforts to collect intelligence but he explains the critical role of intelligence in stopping terrorism. His critique of the administration's recent "counter terrorist" strategy policy papers shows the absolute national security dangers that these policies of empowering Islamist leaders representing the wide spectrum of front groups created by the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood in the past 20 years.

In a society where the prevailing elite political correctness seems to foster an ideological collusion between the mainstream media and Islamist groups, McCarthy's eloquent voice in challenging the politically correct power brokers in the media or Congress or executive branch has singularly kept the American public from having foisting onto them a series of morally bankrupt and corrupt policies and stories. Read his full story here.

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By Steven Emerson  |  September 12, 2011 at 9:41 am  |  Permalink

Brotherhood Justifies Assault on Israeli Embassy

Egyptian commandos helped rescue six guards inside the Israeli embassy in Cairo early Saturday morning, after dozens of people among thousands of protestors stormed the building. The crowd had smashed through a newly-erected security wall and was separated from the Israelis by one metal door.

The Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt's 80-year-old Islamist society which is poised to gain considerable power in upcoming elections, blamed Israel for the violence and breach of sovereign diplomatic ground.

"The slowness and negligence about the rights of our martyr soldiers killed by the Zionists at the border, the not adopting a decisive stand, wavering on the withdrawal of the Egyptian Ambassador, and the Zionist arrogance in refusing to even apologize, as well as the building of a big concrete wall to protect the Embassy were most important reasons that led to the explosion of national sentiment in the hearts of the Egyptians," a statement on the Brotherhood's website said. "The remedy for that lies in the authority, whether the interim authority now or the coming civil authority, responding to the will of the people and respecting their dignity."

Israel did apologize for the deaths of six Egyptian soldiers killed after being caught in the crossfire last month after terrorists fled from a coordinated attack near Eilat in southern Israel. Gaza-based terrorists were blamed for the attack, which killed eight Israelis, but an investigation also found at least three Egyptians were involved. Egyptian press outlets accused Israel of being behind the attacks, the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) reported.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed concern over the attack on his country's embassy, but tried to strike a calmer tone. In a speech, he thanked the United States for helping urge the Egyptian army to intervene, and he thanked the commandos for rescuing the Israeli citizens.

"The Middle East is now undergoing a political earthquake of historic proportions," he said. "…In the face of this historic turmoil we must act coolly and with responsibility." It is in Egypt and Israel's interests to preserve their peace treaty, he added, calling again for direct negotiations with the Palestinians.

"Regarding this negotiation, I believe that many people today in our nation and around the world who see what is happening in our area will understand our justified stance in defending our security interests in any future agreement."
A small group of protestors returned to the embassy Saturday, the Brotherhood website reported.

"Down, down Israel" and "Down with the State of pigs" were among the crowd's chants.

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By IPT News  |  September 11, 2011 at 10:32 am  |  Permalink

U.S. Lawsuit: Saudi Government Responsible for 9/11 Attacks

A U.K.-based insurance syndicate is suing the Saudi government to recover more than $215 million it paid out to victims of the 9/11 attacks.

In a complaint filed Thursday in a Johnstown, Penn. district court, Lloyd's Syndicate alleges that the government of Saudi Arabia provided direct operational and financial support to al-Qaida and its affiliates in the years leading up to the September 11 attacks.

"Absent the sponsorship of al Qaeda's material sponsors and supporters, including the defendants named herein," the suit claims, "al Qaeda would not have possessed the capacity to conceive, plan and execute the September 11 attacks."

The complaint extensively quotes counter-terrorism officials affirming that financial resources are crucial to al-Qaida's ability to launch attacks. It also gives specific examples linking the Saudi government to al-Qaida financing.

Saudi-funded charities, such as the Muslim World League (MWL), World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY), International Islamic Relief Organization (IIRO) and the al Haramain Islamic Foundation, have allowed al-Qaida to sustain its global network, it says.

The complaint alleges the groups, in addition to providing funding, organized recruitment of al-Qaida fighters, training camps, reconnaissance missions and weapons delivery.

Highlighting the Saudi government's involvement, the complaint notes that the Saudis appointed Mohammed Jamal Khalifa to serve as director of MWL and IIRO's offices in the Philippines and Indonesia.

Khalifa, bin Laden's brother-in-law, met with Abu Sayyaf, a terrorist group aiming to establish an Islamic state in the Philippines, during its early years, providing it with important start-up financing and organizational support.

The lawsuit also expounds upon the Saudi government's historical links to al-Qaida.

The Saudi regime was aware of Osama bin Laden's jihadist efforts from the very beginning, it says. "More fundamentally, the jihadist worldview bin Laden was promoting was firmly grounded in Wahhabi ideology and the Western Cultural Attack narrative, as promoted by the Saudi regime itself over a period of many years."

Filed on behalf of Lloyd's Syndicate by Cozen O'Connor law firm, the suit is not the first to blame the Saudi government for aiding terrorists. A federal appeals court previously dismissed the Saudi government as a defendant in a similar case, but ruled that other organizations affiliated with the Saudi government could remain defendants.

In 2009, the Supreme Court chose not to hear the case. The government said that the Saudi government's funding of the Islamic charities was not clearly linked to terrorist groups.

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By IPT News  |  September 9, 2011 at 1:34 pm  |  Permalink

Brooklyn Man Arrested Trying to Join Jihad

A 27-year-old Albanian man living in Brooklyn is due in court today to face charges he provided material support to terrorists in Pakistan.

FBI agents arrested Agron Hasbajrami at New York's Kennedy Airport on Tuesday as he tried to fly to Turkey. He hoped to make it to Pakistan's Federally Administered Tribal Area to train for jihad, an FBI news release said.

A search of Hasbajrami's Brooklyn home turned up a note which said "Do not wait for invasion, the time is martyrdom time."

Hasbajrami had been in contact with a Pakistani jihadist as far back as June 2010. He sent more than $1,000 through a series of wire transfers to the contact, a memo seeking to keep him custody said. Hasbajrami was aware that "the group was engaged in military operations against, and had killed, American soldiers," the memo said. He wanted to join the group, "indicating that he personally wished to die as a martyr."

He asked for guidance in getting to North Waziristan in Pakistan, so he could "marry with the girls in paradise," the memo said, adding that that is "common jihadist rhetoric that refers to dying as a martyr while fighting jihad."

The contact indicated that, once Hasbajrami arrived, he could be found through the Pakistani Taliban. An FBI confidential source reached out to Hasbajrami, saying he was part of the Islamic Jihad Union, and could help Hasbajrami meet up with his contact.

After his arrest, Hasbajrami admitted sending money to the contact and told FBI agents that he "intended to travel to Pakistan to fight."

If convicted Hasbajrami could be sentenced to up to 15 years in prison.

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By IPT News  |  September 9, 2011 at 12:52 pm  |  Permalink

U.S. Concerned Over Turkish-Israeli Tensions

The U.S. State Department expressed concern Thursday about deteriorating relations between Turkey and Israel, but endorsed the findings of a United Nations report on a violent May 2010 Gaza flotilla raid that Turkey dismisses.

"We are concerned and we are urging both sides to try to come back to a place where they can work together and collaborate on the very important issues that they share in the region," said State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland.

Nuland added that the U.S. considered the UN's Palmer Report "thorough and appropriate," as well as credible. In contrast, Turkish President Abdullah Gul said the report "is null and void for us."

Turkey suspended its military and defense ties with Israel on Tuesday and increased its belligerent rhetoric toward the Jewish state.

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said warships would escort future Turkish aid ships to Gaza. "Turkish warships, in the first place, are authorized to protect our ships that carry humanitarian aid to Gaza," he told Al-Jazeera. "From now on, we will not let these ships be attacked by Israel, as happened with the Freedom Flotilla."

Erdogan also announced that Turkey will increase the presence of Turkish warships in the eastern Mediterranean.

The Prime Minister plans to visit Egypt, Tunisia and Libya next week, and reportedly is considering visiting the Gaza Strip. Erdogan will speak at the meeting of foreign ministers of the Arab League in Cairo, where he is expected to discredit Israel, discuss taking the issue of the legality of the Gaza blockade to the International Court of Justice, and lend support to the Palestinian's statehood recognition bid planned for this month at the United Nations.

The United States will veto any bid for statehood before the UN Security Council, " Nuland said. "It should not come as a shock to anyone in this room that the U.S. opposes a move in New York by the Palestinians to try to establish a state that can only be achieved through negotiations. So yes, if a – something comes to a vote in the UN Security Council, the U.S. will veto."

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By IPT News  |  September 9, 2011 at 12:50 pm  |  Permalink

Report: Islamists Drive 75 Percent of Plots Against U.S.

Three-quarters of post 9/11 plots targeting the United States at home and abroad are associated with radical Islamists, a new study finds.

The study, which analyzes 176 failed terrorist plots against U.S. targets, was conducted by Erik J. Dahl, a professor at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, Cal., in conjunction with the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START) program at the University of Maryland.

The remaining 25 percent, according to the paper, are plots by right wing, anti-government groups.

The study concludes that many plots have been successfully prevented because of basic law enforcement efforts and increased intelligence collection. It finds that 45 jihadist plots against U.S. soil since 9/11 were foiled by the work of law enforcement authorities.

"When it comes to domestic attacks and securing the homeland," Dahl told Daily Beast contributor John Avlon, "what works is really good, old-fashioned policing-law enforcement, tips from the public, police informants – and not so much spies overseas or satellites run by three-letter government agencies."

But Dahl said that the government's success in foiling terrorist plots doesn't mean the United States can rest easy. "Everyone in American national security is amazed that we haven't had another 9/11 within America since 9/11," he said. "That's the good news."

"But the bad news," he told Avlon, "is that we do see this continuing, steady drumbeat of smaller-scale plots and attempted terrorist attacks. So the threat is definitely not gone."

In the days leading up to the 10-year anniversary of 9/11, U.S. officials have said they are particularly worried about smaller-scale, lone wolf attacks.

"We are concerned about the lone actors that are out there, we are concerned that al Qaeda or others may try to take advantage of the 9/11 anniversary events," White House terrorism advisor John Brennan said Wednesday.

President Obama agreed. "The risk that we're especially concerned over right now is the lone wolf terrorist, somebody with a single weapon being able to carry out wide-scale massacres…" the President said in an interview with CNN.

Reports surfaced Thursday that authorities had been alerted to a "credible" but unconfirmed three-person 9/11 anniversary plot targeting Washington, D.C. and N.Y. The plot appears to break the lone wolf trend. U.S. officials are now saying that al-Qaida chief Ayman al-Zawahiri initiated the plot.

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By IPT News  |  September 9, 2011 at 11:00 am  |  Permalink

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