Reactions to "Al-Arian's Third Strike"

Our article Monday, "Al-Arian's Third Strike," generated responses from two federal officials who took exception to George Washington University Law Professor Jonathan Turley's argument that there is "a new and disturbing trend by the Bush Administration in using grand juries against individuals who they fail to convict in criminal cases."

One pointed out that civil contempt has been used during a number of presidential administrations of all stripes to compel testimony and recounted in detail how, after several tries, a reluctant witness in a drug case finally testified truthfully and triggered indictments of dozens more people.

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By IPT News  |  January 31, 2008 at 12:42 pm  |  Permalink

Talking to the FBI and Not Talking to the FBI

Two news releases say an awful lot about why some national Muslim organizations may not be the best outlets for government "outreach" programs to the Muslim community.

The first is a release from the Council on Islamic Relations dated January 9, 2008 about a meeting between the CAIR-Orlando Civil Rights Staff and the FBI Orlando field office:

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By IPT News  |  January 14, 2008 at 2:04 pm  |  Permalink

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