USA v. Langhorne, Romeo Xavier
Roanoke, FL

Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS)

Romeo Xavier Langhorne was charged in a criminal complaint of "attempting to provide material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization." The complaint calls Langhorne "an ISIS supporter" who "has created and disseminated a video on how to make triacetone triperoxide, a deadly explosive." Much of the criminal complaint is dedicated to communications between Langhorne and an undercover FBI informant, who had been exchanging texts. The affidavit says the person working undercover created the video, "based on the ideas provided by Langhorne," on how to manufacture explosives from components found in common household items. The complaint says Langhorne posted the video on the website BitChute, but the investigative team included in the video a formula "that would be likely to appear to Langhorne to be the formula for TATP but, in fact, would produce an inert product. Langhorne pleaded guilty in May 2021 to attempting to provide material support and resources to ISIS. Langhorne was sentenced in July 2022 to 20 years in federal prison followed by 15 years of supervised release for attempting to provide material support to ISIS.