Sokolow et al. v. PLO et al.
New York, NY
Palestine Liberation Organization
[SDNY] The 2004 lawsuit by victims of bombings in Israel seeks up to $3 billion in damages from attacks between January 2001 and February 2004 by the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). In Sept 2008 U.S. District Judge George Daniels rejected the PLO's argument that the attacks were acts of war rather than terrorism. On April 27, 2020 the US Supreme Court overturned the appellate court's decision and instructed that court to revisit the case in light of new amendments to the Anti-Terrorism Act.
Related Topics: Civil suits, Terror Financing

- Supreme Court Order
- Second Circuit Court of Appeals Ruling
- Plaintiffs' Appeal Brief
- PA Appeal Brief
- Statement of Interest by Justice, State departments
- DOJ Letter re Possible Intervention
- Plaintiff Memo Opposing Stay of Executing Judgment
- Defense Memo Regarding Motion to Stay of Executing Judgment
- Exhibit 512 PA law for prisoner support
- Exhibit 1060 Memo to Yasser Arafat
- Exhibit 632 Israeli Report on Seized PA Documents
- Exhibit 830 PA Employs Terrorists
- Exhibit 631 Captured PA documents
- Order Denying Summary Judgment
- Memorandum Decision and Order
- Defense Memo Supporting Motion for Summary Judgment
- Amended complaint