Response to "Really an action of the minority?"
Reader comment on item: MAS Official: Bin Laden a "Visionary"
in response to reader comment: Really an action of the minority?

Submitted by Khalilah Sabra, May 9, 2011 15:05

The discord between Muslim and non-Muslim has ignited a flame and the continuous vilification of Islam is incinerating the chance to learn and understand that no religion should be judged by the actions of individuals who claim to follow it. Like any other group, Muslims have protected rights--that we must legally lay claim to. A part of this may involve admitting the truth that Islam, with all its virtues, has fallen victim to relationships with extremely untamed members. It is a minority. Scriptural peers cannot always explain why a soul that claims to love what the other followers love, wanders away from the mainstream flock and does a disgustingly cruel act. No religion group can explain such behavior and the whole should not be held accountable.

Khalilah Sabra

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    agree to disagree? [130 words]


    May 10, 2011 21:27

    Really an action of the minority? [128 words]

    kalpak dabir 

    May 9, 2011 10:23

      ⇒ Response to "Really an action of the minority?" [128 words]

    Khalilah Sabra 

    May 9, 2011 15:05

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    May 9, 2011 16:05

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    Response to Khalilah Sabra [178 words]

    Domenick F. De Rose Sr 

    May 7, 2011 16:13

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    Khalilah Sabra 

    May 9, 2011 14:45

    My Response to Your Accusation / My Request for Respectful Dialogue and Truth [695 words]

    Khalilah Sabra 

    May 7, 2011 03:12

      In His Own Words [28 words]


    Jun 2, 2011 03:59

    Comment on MAS Official: Bin Laden a "Visionary"

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