Will He Ever Learn?
Reader comment on item: Will we ever learn? Obama White House can't admit Paris attacks 'Islamic terrorism'
Steven, in a way that is the wrong question. I think "we the people" have learned the truth about these Islamic jihadis but President Obama hasn't learned. Well, maybe he has and there are some geopolitical considerations he must consider, for instances striking the nuke deal with the Iranians. Shy of that I believe the reason he refuses to acknowledge the true nature of Islamic radicalism is due to his upbringing. In his early life he was raised in Muslim households, attended Muslim schools, undoubtedly prayed five times daily as children are taught to behave by their parents and guardians, etc. Recently he said (paraphrasing here) "the sound of the call to prayer at dusk is the prettiest sound in the English language." I don't know the president will ever "learn" the truth of this matter. Perhaps what he needs to do is acknowledge the truth in this matter.
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