Let's talk about Israel and Gaza...
Reader comment on item: Blind Hate Drives Islamists to Absurdity

Submitted by Michael McGregor, Feb 17, 2015 19:52

Lets talk about Israel and Gaza!!! Lets talk about how the muslims place rocket launchers in the mist of their civilian cities instead of out in the open away from civilians!!! Lets talk about how the muslims use their women and children as human shields!!! Lets talk about how the muslims violate international laws of land warfare on every hand!!! Lets talk about how the muslims are always attacking Israeli civilians!!! You want to talk about what is going on in Gaza??? Lets talk facts about how the muslims started the war, and how cause their own destruction then want to blame Israel!!! Lets talk about how a lot of those casualties had NO blood on them despite the fact that they were "killed" in artillery and bomb explosions!!! Yes, lets talk about Gaza, but lets tell the TRUTH instead of muslim lies!!!!

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    Feb 17, 2015 14:51

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