I am not an apologist for CAIR
Reader comment on item: The Façade in CAIR's Paris Attacks Condemnation
in response to reader comment: reply to "I don't care at all fo rCAIR, but"
Submitted by David K, Mar 25, 2016 15:22
My comments should not be looked at as an excuse, or a reason to cut them any slack at all. I don't even know if 500 years is enough to bring these folks out of the dark ages or not, and I certainly don't want to be a conquest in the meantime. What I said was just meant to be an interesting observation, and a reminder that Christianity was also barbaric at one time as well.
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I don't care AT ALL for CAIR, but.... |
David K |
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↔ ⇒ I am not an apologist for CAIR |
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