Reader comment on item: A Muslim Woman's Stand in the "War of Ideas"
Submitted by Mohammad S.Haq M,.D, Feb 20, 2010 21:52
islam is a religion which is frozen in time.At time of glory islam gave the guiding principle for the people of that time.Our tragedy is that todays some scholars want to push back in time and the more modern one are afraid of taking a bold and stronger position.
Real problem is lack of IJTEHAD.(The process of how to follow the principals of islam todays or current time)
There is no world or local north american organisiation which could initiate the the discussion and then conclusion to different issue facing the muslims of currrent timing...Actually it is discouraged to discuss in groups as being changing the religion.
The process of change is slow and one extreme will not help to make a change, rather it will create polarization with hostility and we shall be caught in dealing with hostility and taking side rather than discussing the solution to our todays problem in the light of islam.
May be we should start the some website to start the ijtehad .... may be the concern of common simple muslim will help to establish the ijtehad at wider level and we shall be able to reach some conclusion about some if not all issues.
Mohammad S.Haq M.D
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