Islamic Center of Jersey City
Jersey City, NJ
During the early 1990s, this mosque was frequented by Mohammad A. Salameh, later convicted for his involvement with the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. [1] Salameh rented the truck used in the bombing, reported it stolen and kept calling the rental office to get back his $400 deposit. The FBI arrested him at the rental office.[2]
The director of Islamic Center of Jersey City from 1978-1990, Mohammad Al-Hanooti was named on a "List of Possible Unindicted Co-conspirators for the [1993] World Trade Center Bombing."[3] Al-Hanooti was president of the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP) from 1984-1986.[4] In a civil action, a federal judge in August 2002 concluded that the IAP had "acted in support of Hamas."[5] In the same civil action Al-Hanooti was listed in a footnote as one of several "Hamas leaders and activists" who were present at a 1993 meeting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.[6] Al-Hanooti went on to serve as the imam for Dar al-Hijrah in Virginia in the late 1990s. He left Dar al-Hijrah in an official capacity in 1999 to serve as the mufti of the Washington metro area, though he still speaks at the mosque from time to time.[7]
A subsequent imam offered rhetorical support for radicalism. Sayyid Askar, Imam of the Center once said in 2000 that "jihad is an absolute obligation upon those whose land has been occupied, and all Muslims have to stand together to repulse the enemy."[8]
See: US v. Rahman, et al.
[1] USA v. Mohammad A. Salameh et al., S593CR.180(KTD), "Trial Transcript," (S.D.N.Y. March 4, 1994).
[2] 9/11 Commission Report, "From the Old Terrorism to the New: The First World Trade Center Bombing," p.72.
[3] USA v. Omar Ahmad Ali Abdel Rahman, et al, 93-CR-181, "List of 173 Possible Co-Conspirators Submitted by Mary Jo White." (S.D.N.Y. February 2, 1995).; "Mufti Mohammed Al-Hanooti," Islam Online, (accessed June 17, 2010).
[4] Ila Filastin, February 1990, p.70.
[5] Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development v. Ashcroft, 219 F. Supp. 2d 57, 70 (DDC 2002).
[6] Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development v. Ashcroft, 219 F. Supp. 2d 57, 70 (DDC 2002).
[7] "Mufti Mohammed Al-Hanooti,", (accessed July 20, 2010).; Dar Al-Hijrah Newsletter, "Upcoming Activities and Jummah," June 17, 2010.
[8] Sayyid Askar, "Muslim Arab Youth Association (MAYA) 23rd Annual Convention," Los Angeles, CA, 2000.