Masjid At-Taqwa
Brooklyn, NY
The Imam of At-Taqwa is Siraj Wahhaj, who appeared on a list of unindicted coconspirators in the trial of the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center.[1] Wahhaj provided testimony during the trial to defend the Blind Sheikh, Omar Abdel-Rahman, the former leader of the Egyptian terrorist organization, Gama'a al-Islamiyya. Rahman was found guilty of "conspiracy to murder President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt," "solicitation to attack a military installation," and of bombing conspiracy related to a plot to bomb the New York FBI headquarters along with tunnels and other landmarks.[2] During Wahhaj's testimony, he called the Sheik a "respected scholar," also calling him "bold, as a strong preacher of Islam."[3]
In addition to these ties, Wahhaj has made extremist statements while lecturing at the Islamic Association of Northern Texas. In November of 1991, Wahhaj advocated the establishment of an Islamic State in the U.S.:
"Where ever you came from, you came to America. And you came for one reason- for one reason only – to establish Allah's deen."[4][emphasis added]
During the same lecture Wahhaj predicted the demise of America unless it accepted "the Islamic agenda," citing the fall of the Soviet Union as a warning sign.[5] [emphasis added] He added that "there will never be an Islamic State, never, until there's first an Islamic state of mind," and that Muslim should be involved in politics not because, "it's the American thing to do. You get involved in politics because politics are a weapon to use in the cause of Islam." [6] [emphasis added]
In 2008, at a forum on Muslims and Homeland Security at Masjid at-Taqwa, moderator Muhammad Abdul Wahhab, questioned the fact that two planes piloted by extremists caused the World Trade Center towers to fall. Wahhab noted that, "over 115 firefighters reported hearing demolition explosions in the World Trade Center, floor from floor. And so did the people in the surrounding buildings. So it is the first building made of steel and concrete that was taken down by fire. That never happened before. So it's important that we get the correct information about this, insha'allah."[7][emphasis added]
See: US v. Rahman, et al.
[1] Letter and enclosure from U.S. Attorney General Mary Jo White to the Honorable Michael B. Mukasey Re: United States v. Omar Ahmad Ali Abdel Rahman, et al. S5 93 CR 181 (MBM), February 2, 1995. The letter reads in part, "Enclosed is a list of unindicted persons who may be alleged as co-conspirators."
[2] USA v. Omar Ahmad Ali Abdel-Rahman, et al. S5 93 CR 181 (MBM), "Jury Verdict," (S.D.N.Y. October 1, 1995).
[3] USA v. Omar Ahmad Ali Abdel-Rahman, et al. S5 93 CR 181 (MBM), "Testimony of Imam Siraj Wahhaj," (S.D.N.Y. 1995).
[4] Siraj Wahhaj, "The Muslim Agenda in the New World Order," Islamic Association of Northern Texas, Dallas, Texas, November 15, 1991.
[5] Siraj Wahhaj, "The Muslim Agenda in the New World Order," Islamic Association of Northern Texas, Dallas, Texas, November 15, 1991.
[6] Siraj Wahhaj, "The Muslim Agenda in the New World Order," Islamic Association of Northern Texas, Dallas, Texas, November 15, 1991.
[7] Muhammad Abdul Wahhab, "Muslims and Homeland Security," Masjid at-Taqwa, July 25, 2008.